"Fors Clavigera" is a series of letters written by the influential art critic and social thinker John Ruskin. The title, "Fors Clavigera," translates to "Fortune the Key-Bearer." The letters were addressed to the workmen and laborers of Great Britain and were intended to be a form of social commentary and guidance.  This book is the VOL IV of the series.  Its full book title is "FORS CLAVIGERA LETTERS TO THE WORKMEN AND LABOURERS OF GREAT BRITAIN"  New Edition VOL IV (TERMINAL) CONTAINING LETTERS LXXIII-XCVI, published by George Allen in 1896.

The binding of this edition reflects the design trends and preferences of the late 19 century:  a hardback with its top gilt-edged, i.e. coated with a thin layer of gold for added aesthetic appeal, and its right side and the bottom are deliberately deckle-edged to provide a tactile experience when running your fingers along each page contrasting with the uniform and precise feel of machine-cut pages.  The general condition is good with traces of aging after 127years.  More details are in the photos - please not hesitate to contact us for more information or more photos.