This vintage book, Crybaby Calf, written by Helen and Alf Evers and published in 1957 by Rand McNally, is a charming children's story about farm animals. The hardcover book is in its original condition and features beautiful illustrations that will capture any child's imagination.

The book is a good addition, with the exception of the inner cover is torn.

Hang on a second.  I needyou to read this fine print / rambling wordy disclaimer before you buy from meor send me a message that can be answered by looking closely at thephotos.  IF YOU ASK A QUESTION THAT CAN BE ANSWERED BY LOOKING ATPICS OR READING MY LISTING, SNARK WILL PROBABLY HAPPEN.   Sure,I could just answer you, and maybe I will, but being occasionally snarky bringsme joy.  You might get mad and huff off, but guesswhat?  At least I prevented heartburn by irritating someone I don’twant to sell to, so everybody wins.  A note on “offers:” I send them out blindly, meaning I’veno idea who received them. If you accept one, you need to payimmediately.  If you don’t, I will likely cancel the transaction.Can’t pay?  Don’t buy. I don’t sell anything anyone NEEDS: if youhave to wait until payday to pay me, then don’t buy the item at all until youcan pay me immediately, I don’t offer layaway.  Know that once youbuy this, it's yours.  If you decide you don’t want it, SELLIT.  I won’t cancel purchases once made unless I decide I don’twant to sell to you (I’m looking at YOU, buyer from somewhere otherthan the USA not using eBay’s global shipping program.)  Sales arefinal; if you ask me to cancel your order, know that the answer is no and Iwon’t even respond to your message.  Nobody accidentally “buys itnow” because eBay makes you confirm purchases at least twice.  Thatmeans no takebacks or do-overs unless I made a mistake in the listing, or I decideto cancel the transaction.  I stopped taking returns about the timesomebody said "I changed my mind" when they got that “free shipping”item I paid $20 to send them.  So, now I rarely offer freeshipping.  At first glance, it might seem I’m overcharging onshipping, but listen: there’s a crazy meth-head chicken that works at the postoffice, and that chicken picks prices at random while coked-out crazies in DCplace bets on which square the chicken will choose to determine shippingcosts.  True fact.  You can look it up, the internet willsupport this, because Rule 34 exists.  Never let facts stand in theway of a good theory, just ask a politician.  Anyway, those randomprices sometimes are higher than you’d expect, so I have to charge a rate thatactually covers my costs.  SOMETIMES, I don’t actually charge enough,and shipping eats into my profit margin, and that wounds medeeply.  I’m not in this gig to give stuff away, I’m here to makemoney, but I do NOT profit on shipping.  Do you want to buymultiple items from me with combined shipping for a lower cost?  Thenpay attention, here’s how it works:  First, buy everything youwant from me all at once using your shopping cart.  Then, pay thetotal tab eBay says to pay.  I’ll do my thing, pack up your stuff,and then I’ll REFUND YOU the extra money you paid if it’s above my actualcosts.  Sometimes, there’s no refund, because the price is what I hadto pay.  Other times, the refund is significant.  There itis.  That’s how it works.  Now you don’t have toask.  Keep in mind that this is an online garage sale, a seedyvirtual flea market, a shady back alley swap meet with sweaty dudes sellingquestionable stuff out of rusty car trunks.  You pay me, I ship it to you,we’re done, the end.  One way trip from Coolsville toYourtown.  This aint Amazon.  This here is fleabay.  You’llwant to clean your items that you buy from me, because they are probably dirty,maybe even filthy.  DOES THIS ITEM LOOK GOLD IN THEPHOTOGRAPH?  Chances are good it’s actually BLACK PLASTIC, butsometimes the light tent combined with your screen give it a goldenhue.  If you think whatever is pictured is gold in color, ASK MEbefore you buy.  IF THE ITEM ARRIVES BROKEN due to the games ofpickup soccer played by bored Postal employees, please take the time to reachout to me and let’s chat before you start an official return.  DID I MAKE A MISTAKE?  Defecationhappens, but there’s no reason for us to let it hit the oscillator.  TALKTO ME BEFORE YOU EVER INITIATE A RETURN, REGARDLESS OF REASON.  I AMA REAL PERSON, TAKE THE TIME TO SPEAK INSTEAD OF CLICK ON ‘RETURN’.  Giveme a chance to set stuff right before you drop negative feedback on me; yeah, Imight tell you to kick rocks, but at least check in to see if I’m going to be ajerk first.  If you’re a decent human being and talk to me, I’llprobably resolve the situation to everyone’s satisfaction.  Are youbased outside the USA?  Then use the Global Shipping Program, becauseI might cancel orders being shipped to freight forwardingservices.  If you buy items from me with a total value of around $50or more, I will probably make you sign for the package.  If that’s adeal breaker, move along.  I intentionally set my shipping to “mediamail” to manage shipping timeline expectations, not because I actually usemedia mail.  I might use UPS or FedEx at my discretion, you don’t geta say in that unless you chip in premium costs to offset myexpenses.  Yeah, I hate FEDEX and rarely use them, but I gotta dowhat’s best for my bottom line. As such, I might need you to provide somethingbesides a PO Box; I’ll message you if this is the case.  Refusal tocooperate with me on that will result in the cancellation of yourorder.  I price things so you get a bargain and I get some positivecashflow.  Don’t whine to me about having to pay taxes on the stuffyou buy.  That ain’t my fault.  Blame Congress and eBay andthe devil, because sometimes they’re all one and the same.  Finally,PLEASE don’t message me asking where your package is & don’t ask eBay.  THEYDON’T KNOW EITHER.  We all have the exact same tracking informationyou do; I do not have a magic eBay seller connection at the Post Office tosuddenly un-disappear your gear.  Pack your patience and manageexpectations, and we’ll make it through this together, I promise.