Sorry for relist, the twitch link had an error in it. Updated.

We will repair and stream live!

Nobody else on ebay does this, because we are that confident in the work done.

I used to repair these at the factory(jabil global services), many years ago.

Thats why, to be honest, I do a damn good job, because I am the best!

When we started offering servicing, nobody was using Rubycons.

Now you constantly see people trying to copy my method, and even my wording!!!!

When you see "copies vhs to dvd, and vice versa, a very cool feature", that's a dead giveaway.

We also provide Re-cappings on working units to prolong life.

Re-capping service also includes the normal goodies of heads/dvd deep clean, and unlocking.

All replacment parts are Rubycon or Elna high end long life.

Here is a recent service done on stream(more videos on account):

Not all repairs can be done 100% of the time. Sometimes there are additional issues in units outside of the errors listed above.

In the event that the unit can not be fixed(in the "please wait" units, when it does happen), we give two options.

A: Charge a 20£ diagnostic fee, and refund the rest.

B: We will refund all money, and offer to buy the unit for parts.