Height   4in - 16in
Height on Delivery   2in - 4in
Spread   4in - 16in
Hardiness Zone   9 - 11
Growth Habit   upright
Flower Color   White, rare to bloom indoors
Foliage   Deep toned, velvety arrowheads
Light Requirements   low to bright, indirect light

Aim to give this tropical beauty good doses of dappled light each day. Indirect light is perfect for keeping its foliage fresh and healthy. Water only when the top layers of its soil dry out, but do place it in a space with high humidity. Using a water-filled pebble tray is a good way of ensuring adequate moisture in the air around this plant. Whatever the setting, keep in mind that drafts and drops in temperature should be avoided.


This plant has a name worthy of royals: "Reginula" or "Little Queen". A Jewel Alocasia, it grows slower and is more diminutive than some of the other Elephant Ear plants. Grown for its deep-toned and velvety leaves with striking silver veining, it holds court, gaining admirers who love its tropical beauty and easy-growing nature. Keep out of the way of pets. You might even consider placing this plant in a larger-sized terrarium.

  • Any accessories pictured are not included, for illustrative purposes only.

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