Yellow T-Rex Pepper 12 Isolated Seeds + Free Bonus Seeds Enjoy the fiery and exotic characteristics of the Malathatron T-Rex Yellow Pepper. Their gnarly appearance is sure to make them a favorite among the super hot enthusiasts. Watch these 4" long pods grow into twisted and distorted shapes, ripening from vibrant green to a stunning yellow at maturity. T-Rex Pepper plants are heavy producers, so be prepared to reap the benefits! The not only boast an eye-catching appearance but also deliver an incrediblefruity flavor. Don't be fooled, next comes the ruthless heat that's well above 1,500,000 Scoville Heat Units. The plant itself gets to be around 30" tall. Grows fast. Flowering starts around 4 months. T-Rex produces tons of pepper pods and will continuously do so until the weather turns cold. Plant may need support due to the weight of all the peppers. You can see how big and sprawling the plant gets next to my foot in picture #4. The plant was 4 months old at that point. A great, easy plant to grow. Wear gloves when handling the pods. The flowers were isolated and hand pollinated to insure the pure T-Rex genetics. Isolations pollinations were performed in a closed, indoor environment, with pollen filters. All pictures are from our facility. Read our bio to learn more about the packing and dispatch of your order. Warning: THESE PEPPERS ARE HOT!!!