5000+ Micro Clover Seeds


1 pack = 100 sq. ft. of coverage on existing lawn.

(Alternatively, add packet to your favorite grass seed mix for a greener lawn.)


Seed Size: Seeds are naturally tiny. Seeds are coated for easy disbursement.

Growth Height: Will grow up to 4 inches tall.

Other Names: Trifolium repens, Trifolium repens P.


Micro Clover: Transforming Lawns, An Eco-Friendly Beauty!

In the realm of sustainable landscaping, few options offer the blend of beauty, resilience, and environmental friendliness as Micro Clover (Trifolium repens P.). With its lush, verdant foliage and minimal maintenance requirements, Micro Clover has emerged as a popular choice for homeowners seeking to create vibrant, eco-friendly lawns. Join us as we explore the unique qualities of Micro Clover, discover its benefits for the environment and the landscape, and learn how to cultivate a lush, no-mow lawn with this versatile plant.

Micro Clover: A Sustainable Lawn Alternative

No-Mow Convenience: Micro Clover is renowned for its ability to thrive in low-maintenance landscapes, making it an ideal choice for homeowners seeking to reduce their lawn care workload. Unlike traditional grass lawns, which require frequent mowing to maintain their appearance, Micro Clover forms a dense, low-growing carpet of foliage that remains attractive with minimal trimming.

Evergreen Beauty: One of the distinguishing features of Micro Clover is its evergreen foliage, which retains its vibrant green color year-round, even in cooler climates. This characteristic adds visual interest to the landscape during the winter months when many other plants are dormant, ensuring that the lawn remains a focal point of beauty throughout the year.

Cultivating a No-Mow Lawn with Micro Clover

Site Selection: Choose a sunny to partially shaded location for planting Micro Clover, as it performs best in areas that receive at least four to six hours of sunlight per day. Prepare the soil by loosening it to a depth of six inches and incorporating organic matter, such as compost, to improve soil structure and fertility.


Germination Procedure: Sow Micro Clover seeds evenly over the prepared soil surface, either by hand or using a broadcast spreader, at a rate of one pack per 1,000 square feet. Lightly rake the seeds into the soil to ensure good seed-to-soil contact, then water gently to settle the seeds into place.

Embracing the Benefits of Micro Clover

Micro Clover offers a myriad of benefits beyond its aesthetic appeal, making it a valuable addition to sustainable landscapes:

Soil Health: Micro Clover's deep root system improves soil aeration and water infiltration, reducing the need for irrigation and minimizing soil erosion.

Pollinator Support: The small, white flowers of Micro Clover attract bees and other pollinators, enhancing biodiversity and promoting a healthy ecosystem in the garden.

    Nitrogen Fixation: Micro Clover is a nitrogen-fixing plant, meaning it has the ability to convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that is usable by other plants. This natural fertilization process reduces the need for synthetic fertilizers, making Micro Clover an eco-friendly choice for lawn care.

Cultivating Sustainable Landscapes with Micro Clover

Micro Clover offers a sustainable and aesthetically pleasing alternative to traditional grass lawns, transforming landscapes with its evergreen beauty, minimal maintenance requirements, and environmental benefits. By embracing Micro Clover as a no-mow lawn option, homeowners can create vibrant outdoor spaces that support biodiversity, conserve resources, and enhance the beauty of the natural world. Experience the joys of a lush, eco-friendly lawn with Micro Clover and cultivate a landscape that thrives for generations to come.