You will receive one Healthy plant in a 4" pot. I have very Full thick ones for sale.

The Asparagus fern (Asparagus densiflorus "Sprengeri") is known for its feathery, fern-like branches, bright red berries and small white flowers will appear.  This is big and bushy in its container.

A great Asparagus fern with very tiny leaflets in fluffy upright fronds used extensively in floral work. And such a nice plant to sit anywhere in the home, office. Easy to grow can grow to 3 ft. tall.  

Growing Requirements of Asparagus Ferns

Asparagus Ferns are only hardy in USDA zone 9 and warmer. They all require the same basic care,
whether they are grown in the garden or in containers, as house plants.
They grow best in bright, indirect light without any full sun. Direct, hot sunlight can scorch the 'needles', while insufficient light will often cause them to yellow or drop. 
They thrive in daytime temperatures of 70°-75° with it 10° cooler at night.

Asparagus Ferns should be planted in rich, light, slightly acidic, well-drained soil. 
The addition of peat moss to a good, commercial potting soil will take care of this requirement.
While Asparagus Ferns will tolerate short periods of drought, they grow best when they are given plenty of water, especially when they are actively growing. In low light conditions, your Asparagus Fern will need less water, especially during the winter months.  

Thank you for looking- be sure to see all my plants that are listed.
***If you have any questions or trouble with your plant just let us know. We value your business and we like our customers to be Happy with their purchase. Remember if your in a freeze zone and the plant was left on the door step or in a mailbox for awhile. Im not responsible for its frozen or over heated condition.
Thank you and have a Blessed Sunshiny Day!!!