70 to 28 MHz Transverter + Attenuator interface Board SUPER SET!!!

Add more bands to your HF radio!!!

Transverter and the attenuator - SUPER SET for lower price!!!

Save money – buy a set.

This set consists of the attenuator interface board and transverter board of 70/28 MHz.

In a set also there is a schematic diagram and descriptions on English.

Information about transverter:  

    •    RF range 70 ... 72MHz
    •    IF range 28 ... 30MHz
    •    DC current is 12V to 14V.
    •    Current consumption 2A (TX)
    •    LO freq is 42MHz
    •    LO freq stability +/- 3ppm
    •    IF RF input power on 28mhz is about 1 to 100mWt (0.1Watts).
    •    TX Output transistor is RD16HHF1
    •    The Output power on 70 mhz is about 10 to 15W
    •    RX Input transistor is BF998
    •    RX gain 20dB
    •    Noise figure 1.0dB
    •    Image regection 70dB
    •    PTT to the ground.
    •    Size of the board is 8cm x 4.5cm

Information about attenuator:

    •    Attenuation Level - 30 dB (10W IN – 0.01W OUT)
    •    RF Input Power - 15 W Max
    •    PTT control - Contact to ground
    •    DC current is 12V to 14V.
    •    Size of the board is 6.7cm x 3.9cm

To get the transverter worked you have to do some soldering works with a cables, wires and connectors. Probably some instruments would be required. Does not include the heatsink, power and RF connectors, wires or cables.

Before sending all sets are surely tested – a warranty of 100% working.

To byu full compllete TRANSVERTER KIT (transverter board, attenuator board, all connectors and etc.) or COMPLETE READY transverter see here


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