We are looking to part ways with an incredible set (a total of 27 boxed sets) of 12" LP records covering a large swath of Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and 20th Century music. These were part of a collection once belonging to a beloved deceased relative, and are well preserved and in great shape. 

There are 6 sets of 4 boxed sets, and 1 set of 3 boxed sets. Each box of records weighs 3 lbs (hence 12 lbs per package). Please indicate which set(s) you are interested in!

Set No. 1
From the Renaissance [arguably early Baroque as well] (Buxtehude, Byrd, Frescobaldi, Andrea Gabrieli, Giovanni Gabrieli, Gesualdo, Lassus, Lully, Monteverdi, Palestrina, Schutz, Tallis)
The Baroque Era (Bach, Corelli, Couperin, Handel, Purcell, Rameau, Scarlatti, Telemann, Vivaldi)
Age of Elegance (Beethoven, Boccherini, Gluck, Haydn, Mozart)
Great Opera- Mozart (scenes from The Marriage of Fiagro, Don Giovanni, Cosi fan tutte, The Magic Flute)

Set No. 2
Age of Revolution (Beethoven, Rossini, Schubert, Weber)
Age of Revolution (Beethoven, Rossini, Schubert, Weber)
The Romantic Era (Berlioz, Chopin, Liszt, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Verdi)
The Romantic Era (Berlioz, Chopin, Liszt, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Verdi)

Set No. 3
Great Opera, Donizetti (Scenes from Lucia di Lammermoor, The Daughter of the Regiment, La Favorita, Don Pasquale)
Great Opera, Puccini (Scenes from La Boheme, Tosca, Madama Butterfly, The Girl of the Golden West)
Great Opera, Wagner (Scenes from Tannhäuser, Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, Parsifal)
Great Opera, Rossini (Scenes from The Barber of Seville, L'Italiana in Algeri, The Siege of Corinth, William Tell)

Set No. 4
Great Opera, French Opera (Scenes from: Gounod- Faust; Bizet- Carmen; Offenbach- The Tales of Hoffman; Massenet- Werther)
Great Opera, Richard Strauss (Scenes from: Salome, Der Rosenkavalier, Ariadne auf Naxos, Die Frau ohne Schatten)
Great Opera, Italian Verismo (Scenes from Mascagni- Cavalleria Rusticana; Leoncavallo- Pagliaci; Ponchielli- La Gioconda; Giordano- Andrea Chenier)

Set No. 5
Great Opera- Verdi (scenes from Aida, Rigoletto, Il Trovatore, Otello)
Great Opera- Verdi (scenes from La Traviata, A Masked Ball, La Forza del Destino, Falstaff)
The Opulent Era (Brahms, Bruckner, Offenbach, Saint-Saens, Johann Strauss, Tchaikovsky, Wagner)
Slavic Traditions (Balakirev, Borodin, Dvorak, Glinka, Janaček, Moussorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Smetana)

Set No. 6
The Spanish Style (Albeniz, Debussy, Espla, Falla, Glinka, Granados, Lalo, Ravel, Rimsky Korsakov, Rodrigo, Turina, Victoria)
The Spanish Style (Albeniz, Bizet, Chabrier, Falla, Granados, Turina, Victoria)
Prelude to Modern Music (Debussy, Mahler, Puccini, Rachmaninoff, Ravel, Richard Strauss)
Prelude to Modern Music (Debussy, Mahler, Puccini, Rachmaninoff, Ravel, Richard Strauss)

Set No. 7 (only 3)
The Early Twentieth Century (Bartók, Berg, Gershwin, Milhaud, Prokofiev, Schoenberg, Stravinsky, Villa-Lobos, Webern)
The Music of Today (Babbitt, Bernstein, Boulez, Britten, Copland, Hindemith, Poulenc, Shostakovich, Vaughan Williams)
The Music of Today (Bernstein, Britten, Copland, Hindemith, Poulenc, Shostakovich, Vaughan Williams, Walton)