Immerse yourself in the exciting world of Yu-Gi-Oh! with this graphic novel featuring the artwork of Kazuki Takahashi. Join Sugoroku Mutou, Dark Yugi, Ryo Bakura, Anzu Mazaki, Yugi Mutou, Katsuya Jonouchi, Hiroto Honda, and Maximillion J. Pegasus on their thrilling adventures in the universe of Yu-Gi-Oh!. This softcover edition is the first edition and is perfect for general audiences who love action, shonen, adventure, games, fantasy, cartoons, and fiction. This volume, number 11 in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelist Manga series, was published in 2005 by Shonen Jump. It is a must-have for collectors of manga and Asian comics, as well as comic books and memorabilia. The book is not personalized or inscribed and is not vintage. Get your hands on this amazing graphic novel and experience the excitement of Yu-Gi-Oh! for yourself!