925 Sterling Silver Filigree Heart Locket Pendant

925 sterling silver filigree heart locket pendant.

Height 21 mm ( excluding bail)

Width 18.5 mm

4.0 gr

Free Postage for U.K

Payment & Shipping

We do accept PayPal and cheque for U.K. customers, however PayPal is our priority for safe & secure transaction for both of ourselves and our customers.
Paying by cheque can take some time and we don't post any purchased items until the payment has cleared.
For international customers, we accept PayPal only. You can still check out and pay with PayPal even if you don't have a PayPal account, it is as easy as paying by Credit/Card.
Items will usually be dispatched within 2 working days after full payment has been received.
We use Royal Mail services for both domestic and international shippings. However for international customers, we may recommend use of other couriers such as FedEx, UPS etc. if this is a greater benefit/lower cost to our customer. Other couriers will often provide higher insurance values on items being shipped overseas.
Most of our items will be free of postage charge within U.K. unless stated and sent by Royal Mail service.


Return Policy

All items can be returned within 14 days in their original condition, we will provide a 100% full refund of item cost. We do not charge any fees. But please be advised that the shipping & insurance fees will not be refunded.
If there is a problem with your order, before resorting to negative or neutral feedback, please allow us to investigate your claim and resolve the issue. Just drop us an email and we will do our best to take care of it. Upon receiving your purchase, check it out and if you have any issue, please contact us with in 48 hours.
We do not accept returns on earrings for hygiene reasons.


About Us

Welcome to Fox Jewellery

Fox Jewellery is a U.K. based company who provide modern contemporary jewellery and diamonds. We also sell classic antique and vintage pieces for those who enjoy their jewellery with added history.
Customer satisfaction is our number one priority and we aim to provide a quality, enjoyable shopping experience.
We are GIA qualified and we always check that every item is accurately described and reach the standards expected.
We have a very wide range of beautiful items suitable for every taste.

Please feel free to contact us at any time if you have any queries or problems and we will be more than happy to help you.
We usually try to answer any message and emails within 24 hours.

Our customers are our first priority and we strive to provide great customer service. If you are not 100% satisfied, please contact us and we will be happy to help you.
If you are fully satisfied with your purchase and service your kind feedback would be appreciated.

Once again, thanks for shopping with us and please feel free to check out our ever growing product range.

Contact Us

You are welcome to contact us regarding to any help and assistance you require through eBay message.