For sale - Minolta Maxxum 7000 Camera Instruction Manuals.

Examine photos.  Photos are part of the description.  Check out my other vintage glassware, publications, games, toys, and other vintage items. I can also be found on at

We do our best to describe items accurately. We do not claim to be experts or know the history of individual items. Buyers are always welcome to inspect items in person at our location or request additional information or pictures.

Items may be returned for a full refund of the purchase price, original shipping, and return shipping within 14 days of purchase only if one of the below applies. To avoid paying shipping charges and a 20% restocking fee for your returned items, one of the following MUST apply:

1. The item is described as “working” and arrives dead on arrival. This does apply to a used item that is a bit finicky, has scratches, or powers on but doesn’t do everything expected. If an item is sold for parts/not working – this does not apply.

2. We sent the wrong item.

3. The item is damaged to an extent where it obviously does not match the description or pictures (many times this means it was damaged during transit)

If you are returning an item because it did not meet expectations, the buyer is responsible for shipping costs and a 20% restocking fee unless it meets the above conditions.

All items must be returned in the original condition to receive a refund. This means that if you  purchase a new or sealed item, it cannot be returned unsealed or used. 

Under no circumstances do we refund international shipping costs.