The pictures shows a Amperex 6V4 EZ80 Rectifier Tube Orig Box 100/105each side.  Strong and Clean! Treat your vintage amp to some amazing vintage tubes. Picture is representative of what I have for sale. I have several of these.  Excellent excellent tubes.

I Test on my calibrated B & K 700 Tube Tester and SECO Model 78 Grid Circuit Tube Tester, No Shorts and Good Continuity. Tube Tester Scale reads. 60 (fail) 65 (minimum good) relative to power test given above to tube or tubes on this auction.


Shipped safely.  Excellent shape!  vintage 1960s

Picture and Description above is for set that is being sold in this auction.

*** Disclaimer. Why Buy it Now?  I list these as Buy It Now because EBAY no longer gives discounts to sellers who do auction style. I list these at what I believe are a fair price or what the current market value it.

It is highly unlikely I will sell it for appreciably less than what I am offering it for at Buy It Now. You are welcome to offer less, but don't take it personal if I decline or respond back with a counter offer within  10 percent of what I originally asked for it. Thanks for your attention to this matter. I didn't make the rules -- EBAY did, and I have to make my value decisions accordingly. -- George Kostyrko

 Note to Customers of DangerUXB

I just wanted to thank each and every customer and potential customer of my EBAY Account for your interest in my lots. Also want thank Skip and The Truth About Vintage Amps for their advocacy of my lots.

I also wanted to update you all on a few things

Shipping policy and charges

As many of you know, I ONLY charge for actual shipping costs (usually rounded up to the nearest dollar or so) – and refund the difference. In these tight economic times, little courtesies like that are more important than ever. So, for example. If you buy five tubes from me, and you are charged $20 total for shipping (about $4 each). If my actual shipping cost is $6, I will refund you the $14.  If I made money on shipping – both Skip and Jill would kick my ass down Highway 20 in Loma Rica until I disappeared over the horizon. Despite that reasonable fear (grin) – I am ethical and don’t practice shipping as a profit center.

Sadly, other EBAY vendors appear to use this as a profit center (not sure why).   So, you will see them charging $8, $9, and even $12!!!! For a single tube sale that appears to be send first class package.  I encourage you to ask them why they charge double or even triple of actual first-class package sales. Now, if they use priority mail, then some of those charges are reasonable (although basically unnecessary since USPS offers package tracking – although priority does offer $100 insurance). Be strident, ask questions and strenuously ask for a shipping discount in these tight economic times.

Tube Shortage:

As many of you know, due to the conflict in Ukraine and various economic sanctions. The production of brand-new vacuum tubes has pretty much dried up for now. In essence, there is now a world-wide shortage of new production vacuum tubes.

Based on my recent sales increases, many of you are looking at the secondary tube Market for backstop for your own tube needs.  I will do what I can to post what I have for sale—as soon as I can.

 I don’t plan to do any price gouging. However, because of inflation, and because my costs to buy or accrue stock has risen, I do have to raise my prices. Many of you will have seen my stock prices have gone up by a dollar or two in the last couple of months.

Some tubes like Euro preamp or power tubes I sell at Market price.  The rest of my inventory I am trying to price at a reasonable value.


I back my tubes up. If you don’t like them or have a problem –send them back for a full refund. Tone is in the ear of the beholder – I respect that and will take all returns as long as the tubes were not mistreated. I can always resell a good tube to someone else – who will love how it sounds.