MEXICAN HAT CONEFLOWER. American native wildflower from the southwest. Easy to grow, interesting red on yellow flowers. Pretty much a carefree plant once established. Mexican Hat Flowers will thrive where most other plants can't. There not picky about soil. Drought tolerant when mature. They have a long-life span(7yrs+) You can divide the plants in spring after the 3rd year and beyond. Cut down stems in winter/early spring. They come back every spring, and blooms mid- summer into late fall. Butterflies and bees love this plant. 500+ Quality seeds per order. Thank You!

Some American Native Wildflower seeds need to go through a cold winter to germinate. This plant is one of them. They do this so the seed won’t sprout in fall, only to have the seedling not make it through a cold winter. I have stratified these seeds to simulate a cold winter(stratification) This raises the germination rate considerably. Thanks for looking!!

Ratibida columnaris.


Full sun.

Spring, soil temp 65F+.

SOW 1/4" deep, 4" apart. Keep moist.

Germ 10-21 days.

Thin to 16".

Height 12 - 36" x 16" Wide.

Medium water. Light fertilizer.

Flowers are red/yellow. Blooms from mid-summer through late fall.