Product Description

Part Number: BFF8190
Application: Hyundai Highway Santa Fe
Other Part Number(s):
ADL BluePrint Part Number:
Comline Part Number:
Bar Code: 5055936648432

Vehicle Compatibility and fitment

Please be aware that whilst we make every effort to ensure this listing is accurate and is according to the manufacturer's data but there may be more than one part available for your vehicle.

The Vehicle Compatibility section is powered by eBay and information is very limited so please make sure your car make model engine size and engine code is matched in the fitment information table in the description. If you have any doubt please contact us to confirm the fitment.

We also ask for the registration (UK Number Plate) of your vehicle to be provided on checkout and If no registration is provided we will dispatch the item you have ordered. We assume that the buyer has made all relevant checks before purchasing this item and if the part is incorrect the customer would be required to cover the costs of any return postage.

All International sales we request customers to either provide up with and original equipment part number or details of the vehicle (VIN number) to find the correct part.

Reason to buy from us?

  • 24 Month Warranty
  • Free UK Delivery
  • Genuine Price
  • Fast Dispatch
  • 30 Days Return


All orders are dispatched by reputable shipping companies within 24 hours. We make every effort to deliver goods within the estimated timescale. if its matter of urgency please message us on ebay or Seller Contact Information

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