Learn the basics of ethical hacking, penetration testing, web testing and wifi hacking in KALI LINUX!



Genuine USB 3 SanDisk Stealth Flash Drive

Lightning fast boot time compared to USB 2.0

64 Bit edition

Includes Install, Live boot and live boot with encrypted persistence

Fully tested on creation

No Compromise Fast + Free Shipping

Beware of Imitations

I have found another seller on ebay who was copying the style of my ebay listings to trick customers into thinking our items were the same

I requested they change their listings, Please be careful and ensure you're buying from CaptainPenguin64



Install to hard drive

Unleash the potential of Kali Linux on your desktop/laptop computer by installing to the hard drive

Run as Ghost from USB

Run from the Ghost Key without leaving a trace on the Hard drive, all traces of activity are removed from the computer on next boot always providing a fresh install of Kali Linux on demand

Run as ghost from USB with encrypted persistent storage

Run from the Ghost Key but created files and configuration changes are stored and encrypted. this allows you to fine tune Kali Linux into a personal and portable hack box

Kali Linux is preinstalled with over 600 penetration-testing programs, including Armitage (a graphical cyber attack management tool), nmap (a port scanner), Wireshark (a packet analyzer), John the Ripper (a password cracker), Aircrack-ng (a software suite for penetration-testing wireless LANs), Burp suite and OWASP ZAP (both web application security scanners). Kali Linux can run natively when installed on a computer's hard disk, can be booted from a live CD or live USB, or it can run within a virtual machine. It is a supported platform of the Metasploit Project's Metasploit Framework, a tool for developing and executing security exploits.


What is Encrypted Persistence?

Most Kali Linux USBs found on ebay only come with two boot options, "Install to hard drive" and "Live Boot".

These options let you either install Kali Linux on the Hard Drive of the host machine or run a temporary session where nothing is saved at all and restarting the machine starts a new session.

The Ghost and Nuke Editions have been configured to use the usually wasted spare space on the flash drive to be used as a Persistence drive, this enables the "Live Boot with Encrpyted Persistence" mode in the boot menu.

This will allow you to boot into a Live Boot session that securely saves all of your files and changes you make to the Kali Linux Environment in the Encrypted Persistence drive.

This mode is password protected by a password you set (a script is included to help assist in this.

If you order the Nuke Edition you also get to set a Nuke code, that destroys all access to the Encypted Persistence partition.

What is the difference between the Ghost and Nuke Editions?

Most Kali Linux USBs found on ebay only come with two features "Install to hard drive" and "Live Boot".

These options let you either install Kali Linux on the Hard Drive of the host machine or run a temporary session where nothing is saved at all and restarting the machine starts a new session.

Will this work on my Windows/Mac computer?

Kali Linux boots before the host machine's Operating System found on the Hard drive, so it works independently of which version of Windows/Mac is installed.

How long will it take to arrive?

We always dispatch the next working day, Most orders before 9pm are processed the same day in time for collection.

  • More than 600 penetration testing tools included: After reviewing every tool that was included in BackTrack, we eliminated a great number of tools that either simply did not work or which duplicated other tools that provided the same or similar functionality. Details on what’s included are on the Kali Tools site.
  • Open source Git tree: We are committed to the open source development model and our development tree is available for all to see. All of the source code which goes into Kali Linux is available for anyone who wants to tweak or rebuild packages to suit their specific needs.
  • FHS compliant: Kali adheres to the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, allowing Linux users to easily locate binaries, support files, libraries, etc.Wide-ranging wireless device support: A regular sticking point with Linux distributions has been support for wireless interfaces. We have built Kali Linux to support as many wireless devices as we possibly can, allowing it to run properly on a wide variety of hardware and making it compatible with numerous USB and other wireless devices.
  • Custom kernel, patched for injection: As penetration testers, the development team often needs to do wireless assessments, so our kernel has the latest injection patches included.Developed in a secure environment: The Kali Linux team is made up of a small group of individuals who are the only ones trusted to commit packages and interact with the repositories, all of which is done using multiple secure protocols.
  • GPG signed packages and repositories: Every package in Kali Linux is signed by each individual developer who built and committed it, and the repositories subsequently sign the packages as well.Multi-language support: Although penetration tools tend to be written in English, we have ensured that Kali includes true multilingual support, allowing more users to operate in their native language and locate the tools they need for the job.
  • Completely customizable: We thoroughly understand that not everyone will agree with our design decisions, so we have made it as easy as possible for our more adventurous users to customize Kali Linux to their liking, all the way down to the kernel.

Click here to check out my other items in my store

Kali Linux NUKE And GHOST Key Bundles with WiFiArcher Cards

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This auction is for the USB drive containing Kali Linux and a preconfigured LUKS encrypted persistent drive + ghost setup program.