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Billy Sure Kid Entrepreneur and the Stink Spectacular

by Luke Sharpe, Graham Ross

Includes an excerpt from Billy Sure, kid entrepreneur and the cat-dog translator.

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Publisher Description

Billy Sure, twelve-year-old inventor and CEO of Sure Things, Inc., adds espionage to his resume in the second book of a hilarious middle grade series! Billy Sure is many things: CEO of Sure Things, Inc., a sleepwalking seventh-grader, and now he's adding spy to the list! When Billy finds out he's been exchanging emails with a corporate spy from a rival company, he's not happy. So he enlists the help of his mother and his best friend and CFO, Manny, to set a trap to catch the shady email impostor before he can reveal Sure Things, Inc.'s valuable secrets! Meanwhile, Billy and Manny are arguing about Billy's newest invention--the Stink Spectacular. Billy thinks the Stink Spectacular is the next All Ball, but Manny's not convinced. Can Billy save his company from sabotage, come up with his next big invention, and survive his dad's terrible cooking?

Author Biography

Luke Sharpe is not a millionaire, but he has been trying to invent a machine that can teleport people anywhere in the world since he was eight years old. He has so far been unsuccessful but he has vowed never to give up. When he isn't working, Luke enjoys Hawaiian pizza and skateboarding. He lives near Chicago with his wife and son (named Billy, of course), their gecko, Eddie, and their aquarium full of exotic fish. Graham Ross has grand plans for world domination through his illustrated inventions. Right now he's having a "ball" hanging out with Billy Sure, the next sure thing! Graham lives in a little log home in the woods with his inventive family, just outside of Merrickville, Canada.


"Sharpe creates characters with high child appeal . . . Ross adds comic details with his spot art that takes its cue from student sketches and doodles . . . Put this page-turner in the hands of those who appreciate a light read with a touch of mystery and humor."--Kirkus Reviews "Billy Sure, Kid Entrepreneur "

Review Quote

"Sharpe creates characters with high child appeal . . . Ross adds comic details with his spot art that takes its cue from student sketches and doodles . . . Put this page-turner in the hands of those who appreciate a light read with a touch of mystery and humor."

Excerpt from Book

Billy Sure, Kid Entrepreneur and the Stink Spectacular Impostor Mom I''M SITTING IN MY ROOM staring at my Laptop. My brain feels like it''s been zapped with a FREEZE RAY. I keep thinking the same thing over and over. Maybe my brain has been zapped with a repeat ray. Or a freeze and repeat ray. How can this be? How did this happen? No way. NO WAY! I read the e-mail from my mom for the twentieth time. Have I misunderstood? No. There''s really only one possible answer here. My mom''s e-mail clearly says that she hasn''t sent me any e-mails in weeks. And that she never switched to a new e-mail address. So for weeks I''ve been sending e-mails to someone pretending to be my mom. Not my real mom. A fake mom. An impostor mom! And that''s not good. It feels crummy. But it''s even worse than that. I didn''t just e-mail my mom with normal life updates--stuff like how the Hyenas are playing (that''s our favorite baseball team, and they''ve been on a losing streak), or how annoying Emily has been (that''s my sister, and for the record, that would be: very annoying). None of that would really matter. It''d be okay for Impostor Mom to know about that stuff. Some of it, like the fights with Emily, even our neighbors know about. So it''s not exactly private information. But I also wrote about my ideas for inventions. Which is bad. Really bad. Not to mention really private. Because, as you probably know by now, my inventions aren''t just things I make up and draw on a piece of paper and then forget about. They''re real products manufactured and sold by a real company, SURE THINGS, INC. (Named after me, Billy Sure, and run by me and my business partner and best friend, Manny.) When I say "as you probably know by now," I''m not trying to brag or anything. It''s just that our first two products, the ALL BALL ("The Only Ball You''ll Ever Need!") and the SIBLING SILENCER ("Like A Mute Button For Your Brothers and Sisters!") are selling like crazy. And there have been lots of stories about Sure Things, Inc. on TV and the Internet. You probably even own an All Ball or a Sibling Silencer. (If your sibling owns a Sibling Silencer . . . um . . . sorry about that. Time to buy one of your own!) So it''s not a good idea for me to share my secret ideas about how to build my inventions with someone pretending to be my mom. The question is, who is pretending to be my mom? I''ve got to figure this out. It''s late at night and I''m sitting at my desk. I do some of my best thinking here . . . that is, when my brain isn''t acting like it''s been zapped by a freeze and repeat ray. My dog, Philo, is already asleep next to my bed. I can hear him breathing slowly, almost like he''s snoring, but not quite. I kind of want to wake him up and tell him about my problem, but I know that won''t do any good. It''s not like he can tell me what to do. Who is pretending to be my mom?! It''d be nice to talk to someone about this. But I don''t want to wake up my dad. And I certainly don''t want to wake up Emily. That could prove fatal--I take my life in my hands walking into her room in broad daylight; I can''t imagine that going into her room in the middle of the night would go over very well. My mom''s great to talk to, but she isn''t here. She''s off in Antarctica doing research for the government. Because of the storms down in Antarctica, the Internet''s been down for weeks, so she hasn''t been able to e-mail me. But I didn''t know that. During those weeks, I was sending e-mails to IMPOSTOR MOM, blabbing about my new inventions like an idiot. But it''s not my fault, right? I thought it was my mom! Which brings me back to . . . WHO IS PRETENDING TO BE MY MOM?! Should I e-mail Manny? Manny is my best friend. He is also Sure Things, Inc.''s CFO (Chief Financial Officer), which means he keeps track of sales and the money. He''s probably still up, checking the latest sales figures for the All Ball and the Sibling Silencer. But I''d hate to spoil his good mood. Right now he''s really happy with the success of Sure Things, Inc. And besides, I might get in serious trouble. Revealing secrets must have broken some company rule. Or maybe even the law! By sharing my ideas about new inventions, have I betrayed Sure Things, Inc., dooming our company to failure? Is Impostor Mom going to steal all my ideas and then take away our customers? What if Manny gets so mad at me that he refuses to forgive me? Only twelve years old, and already my life could be ruined. This is serious. I decide to lie in bed. I love my bed--it''s warm and soft. I guess everyone loves their bed, right? I mean, you spend a lot of time there. It would be terrible to be stuck with a bed you hate. I wonder if you''d just start liking it after a while? Maybe it would become comfortable to you and you would forget that you ever hated it. And then if someone sits on your bed and says, "I hate this bed, it''s so uncomfortable!" you''d get really mad and defend your bed because it''s yours and you love it. I bet that''s what happens. I stare at the blueprints on my wall, lit up by the light from a streetlight outside my window. My dad framed the blueprints for the All Ball and the Sibling Silencer. Both sets of blueprints were plans I drew up while I was sleep-inventing. I know it sounds weird, but sometimes, when I''ve been working on a new invention and I''ve gotten stuck, I get up in the night and finish the invention while I''m still asleep. For someone who loves his bed as much as I do, I still like to sleepwalk apparently. But it''s not something I can turn off. I just do it. Plus, it''s kind of a good thing because my sleepwalking has turned into sleep-inventing, and let''s face it: Where would Sure Things, Inc. be without my inventions? Speaking of Sure Things, Inc. . . . if it turns out that our company is ruined by my e-mails to Impostor Mom, will looking at those blueprints make me feel sad? If so, I''ll definitely take them down and put up some posters. Maybe of Carl Bourette. He''s the Hyenas shortstop, and my favorite baseball player. Sleep is definitely out of the question. I get up and reread the e-mails I sent to Impostor Mom. I make myself read them with a "CRITICAL EYE." (My English teacher, Mrs. Boniface, taught us that term. At first I thought it meant that you could criticize everything you read, which was kind of fun, but what if you like the stuff you''re reading? Manny doesn''t have Mrs. Boniface, but he told me he thinks it means you''re supposed to think really hard about stuff when you read it.) So after rereading my e-mails with a critical eye, I decide that maybe they''re really not that bad. I didn''t write anything all that specific about any new inventions. No details about how stuff works. I wrote more about baseball and school than I did about my inventions or Sure Things, Inc. Philo twitches in his sleep, making funny sounds, like muffled barks. He must be dreaming. Maybe he''s inventing something, like a gadget to let dogs open refrigerators. (There''s an invention Sure Things, Inc. will not be making.) I get up out of my desk chair, walk over to his bed, kneel down, and pet him. Petting Philo always relaxes me. I''m still not sure what to do about Impostor Mom, but I also do some of my best thinking when I''m asleep, so I should go back to bed. If I focus on how much I love my bed instead of worrying about Impostor Mom, eventually I will fall asleep. Right? Maybe in the morning I''ll know what to do. * * * I''m tied up in a chair. I struggle to escape, but the knots are way too tight. I look around for some kind of tool to cut the ropes, but I''m in a small empty room. There''s nothing in here but me, the chair, and the ropes. I try to yell "HELP!" but somehow I can''t make any sounds. A tall man dressed all in gray enters. Gray hat. Gray suit. Gray shoes. Gray gloves. And a gray mask hiding his face. He stands still, with his hands hanging at his sides. "Ready to talk?" he murmurs in a low, threatening voice. "Talk about what?" I ask. The man chuckles. "You may call me . . . Impostor Mom." He walks over to the corner of the room. There''s a table I didn''t notice before. He picks up a small jar filled with liquid and a brush. "Unless you talk," he says calmly, "I''m afraid I''m going to have to use more drastic measures." I swallow hard. "Like what?" "Like putting this ITCHING POWDER . . . ON YOUR NOSE!" He dips the brush in the jar and moves toward me. I''m frozen. He begins to paint the itching powder onto my nose. . . . * * * LICK. LICK. LICK. . . . I wake up from the nightmare and realize someone is licking my nose. Philo, of course. You might think that an inventor would invent a really cool alarm to wake himself up in the morning, but I don''t need to. I''ve got a furry alarm that licks me awake every morning. Right on my nose. "Okay, Philo, okay," I mumble. "Good morning. I''ll get up." I get up, and right away I remember what I was thinking about last night. What should I do about Impostor Mom? I''ve got to talk to Manny. Even if it ruins his good mood. And even if what I''ve done could destroy our business forever. I''ve still got to tell him. We''ll figure this out together. That''s what best friends--and business partners--are for. I


Author Graham Ross
Pages 160
Audience Age 8-12
Language English
Illustrator Graham Ross
ISBN-10 1481439502
ISBN-13 9781481439503
Media Book
Format Paperback
Series Billy Sure Kid Entrepreneur
Year 2015
Publication Date 2015-05-26
Imprint Simon Spotlight
Series Number 2
Country of Publication United States
AU Release Date 2015-05-26
NZ Release Date 2015-05-26
US Release Date 2015-05-26
UK Release Date 2015-05-26
Publisher Simon & Schuster
Audience Children / Juvenile
Illustrations Illustrations
