Gnome Fantasy Football proxy Team designed by Calaverd 

Team Composition
***Bases NOT Included***

  • 2 goose riders
  • 2 Carnivorous plants
  • 2 Foxes
  • 2 Gnome Illusionists
  • 8 Lines gnome

About our Prints:


- Printed using the latest 12k Ultra printers

- Resin Colour: Grey

- Material: special blend of 8K resin and Sirya Tech Professional Resin ABS like. this allows some flexibility and strength.

*Note we do not use Water-washable resin as it is too brittle for mini's as explained on the phrozon3d site:

  • More Brittle: Although opinion varies, some claim that models printed with water-washable resins tend to be slightly more brittle than traditional resins. So depending on your needs, it might not be something that you would want to go with.


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