Frosty Frolic. Chris Radko glass Christmas Ornament. Poland.  Santa riding Polar Bear

7.00", and in very good condition.

There is no doubt that Christopher Radko really started the renewal of glass figural ornaments through his ornaments made in Poland, Germany, and Italy. A well detailed and expertly painted figural.  His detail is just amazing if you look carefully, eyes, Polar Bear  itself, etc.

These  ornaments being listed today are in very good condition. I guarantee that.  I start all my auctions at .99 cents as it is an auction and I just never cared when I went to live auction and the auctioneer started very high, and then spent time backing down to get a bid.  I know it is a low bid, but that is how I list every item on Ebay.

I am more than happy to combine postage to save money.

Just let me know you are multiple bidding and I will invoice you when you are finished bidding and wish for me to send the items. Then, I will combine postage and send to you, and send final invoice. If any questions about this, please email me.