Here is the secret: your happiness is entirely up to you. You can be happy no matter what happens to you and no matter what material things you have. Everything important is under your control.

Sound silly? That's why you need this book. The philosophy of Stoicism has helped people for thousands of years and is one of the bases for several modern techniques of psychology, such as CBT. It teaches us how to understand our place in the world and concrete techniques for making us better.

This book will go through the philosophy of Stoicism, from A to Z. We will learn about what the good life means and how to achieve. We will talk about ways to develop self-control and specific practices that can help you gain peace and tranquility.

Most people spend their life being buffeted by outside forces, shaken about by emotions and things they do not understand. Stoicism will help you gain the foundation that allows you to avoid being unsettled by outside things.

Some miracle cures promise that they can make your life better with three easy steps or a simple change in diet. This isn't that. The only person that can make your life better is you and this book will help you see the way.

Written in an accessible tone but informed by the deepest and most rigorous research, this book combines a scholarly analysis of Stoic philosophy with specific tools you can use right now to help you gain a better understanding of yourself and your place in the world.