1867 1st ed President Martin van Buren Origin of Political Parties Government


“The less government interferes with private pursuits, the better for general prosperity”

– Martin van Buren


Mostly remembered as being the eighth president of the United States, Martin van Buren was a prominent political author. His most important work was published after his death – ‘Inquiry into the Origin and Course of Political Parties’. This book covers historical aspects of American politics including the naming and preservation of names of the political parties, role of colonists and Whigs in the American Revolution, conflicts between federalists and anti-federalists, Benjamin Franklin political plans for the Union, powers given to the President, and many more fascinating topics on the construction of the American government.


Item number: #12053

Price: $499


Van BUREN, Martin


Inquiry into the origin and course of political parties in the United States


New York : Hurd and Houghton, 1867. First edition.



·        Collation: Complete with all pages

o   ix, [1], 436

·       Reference: Sabin 98412; Howes V 16

·       Provenance:

o   Bookplate – Rogers Clark Caldwell

§  Rogers Caldwell dominated southern financial circles in the 1920s to the point that he was often called the “J.P. Morgan of the South.” In a career that spaned only twenty years, he built a financial empire that collapsed abruptly in November 1930, shaking the foundations of Tennessee’s economy and government.

o   Handwritten – John A. Poor, 1868

§  John Alfred Poor (1808 – 1871) was an American lawyer, editor, and entrepreneur best remembered for his association with the Grand Trunk Railway and his role in developing the railroad system in Maine.

·       Language: English

·       Binding: Hardcover; tight & secure

·       Size: ~9in X 6in (22.5cm x 15cm)


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