WATERCRESS is the easy to grow superfood. More vitamin C then a Orange, also fiber, potassium, protein, calcium, magnesium, folate, vitamin B6, and vitamin A. Watercress does not have to live in a stream or pond. It does great in a veg garden or in containers indoor or out. If you want to grow watercress in a garden, just pick a low spot or make a low spot where water will collect. In a container just put your container in a deep saucer that holds water and don't let it dry out. Partial full sun or all-day bright shade is preferred. That's about it. It's a perennial in warmer areas and a Annual in the cooler. To harvest watercress just clip off the tops about 1" above the soil. Being a perennial, watercress will grow back for a second or third harvest in one season. Enjoy this crisp, peppery salad green anytime. Also great for sprouts.500+ Quality seeds per order. Thank You!