Product Description

Folks who find the questions in the main edition of Trivial Pursuit to be out of their league may have better luck with this Pop Culture DVD edition. This edition follows the premise of the original game, where two to four players or teams roll the die and move around the board answering trivia questions to score "wedges" of a pie. The object is to score a wedge from each of the six category areas to complete the pie and win the game. However, the cards in this edition skip the dry historical, geographical, and scientific questions and instead focus on fun factoids in the following categories: TV, Music, Movies, Sports and Games, Fads, and Buzz. Another difference is that players must answer an interactive question from the included DVD when they land on a scoring space, an appropriate way to dispense questions for this subject matter. Players choose from four kitschy pop culture tokens to represent them on the board The game includes over 2,400 questions, of which over 600 are featured on the accompanying DVD. The DVD features 16 pre-planned games, each with different questions, and has a checklist inside the case to keep track of which games have already been played