Jackall Kaera S2 Beat Soushi Kataoka Costom Model JDM

Color Japanese Frog

Weight : 14 g
Length : 55 mm
Type : Floating

[2021 new color] KAERA S2 beat

[2021 new color] KAERA S2 beat KAERA S2 BEAT

"KAERA" that enables One more Catch

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[2021 new color] KAERA S2 beat KAERA S2 BEAT

Resonating scratch beat

SOSHI KATAOKA focused on two small blades set behind the body, which is the secret of the professional standing posture. Improves appeal with scratch sound and reflected light that rub against the center of gravity in the rear.

[2021 new color] KAERA S2 beat KAERA S2 BEAT

Attract with a pin spot

Floating posture to reduce the movement distance. Attract with a diving action that plunges your head into the water with a vertical action.

[2021 new color] KAERA S