Immerse yourself in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh! with this thrilling graphic novel by Kazuki Takahashi. Follow the adventures of Sugoroku Mutou, Dark Yugi, Ryo Bakura, Anzu Mazaki, Yugi Mutou, Katsuya Jonouchi, Hiroto Honda, and Maximillion J. Pegasus in their quest to become Duelist Masters. This 1st edition softcover manga volume is a must-have for any fan of the Yu-Gi-Oh! series.

Experience the excitement of the game and immerse yourself in the fantasy world of Yu-Gi-Oh! with this action-packed graphic novel. With a captivating storyline and stunning illustrations, this manga volume is perfect for any general audience. Don't miss out on the chance to own this rare collectible item from Shonen Jump.