This is very special film.  With its high silver content, it produced a huge dynamic range.  Ordered this from B&H right before it was discontinued.  The order was cancelled but a year and a half later I got this roll and a call saying it was the last roll.  It went in my film freezer.  To develop this, you have a few options.  dr5 B&W developing did my previous Silvermax rolls with fantastic results and will still do this one.  Otherwise you can DIY by importing Adox' Silvermax-specific developer.  It's not expensive but no one has it for sale in the US, so you'll have to get it from DE or UK.  I'd just have dr5 do it, but since it's the last roll, maybe you want to fully geek out and do it by the book.

Will be brought to room temp gradually so as to avoid condensation.  If you prefer to ship it when the weather cools off so it doesn't sit in a hot USPS truck, I can accommodate as well.

Shoot something special with it.

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