A cool lips vinyl cut decal or sticker one color, great for car, laptop, etc. Choose from many colors. Pink or pick a color. I will send glossy pink if you don't sent me a request for another color. Please send me your request in a message with purchase or contact right after your purchase with your color request.

The approximate measurements of the sticker are 8.25 X 5 in.  I also have other colors, please message for availability or a request for a specific color. On the sticker everything white behind the art represents the backing of the sticker or what it would look like on a white background. These sticker designs are brought courtesy of Cut Ready Clip art, or my own personal designs, or a little of both. I cut the decals myself from Greenstar vinyl, which is of intermediate grade quality; it will last quite awhile outdoors and very longindoors. Please check out the specs from Greenstar’s site for specifics on the material. These stickers are cut a certain way so that itis very important touse application tape for applying the sticker. I will send one piece ofapplication tape that will fit the sticker. Please read or watch atutorialonline to learn how to apply a vinyl sticker. I will apply the application tape for you so it will come on top of the sticker and looks like masking tape. You can use soap and water toapply it, forinstance on a window, or for regular dry application. Good luck and thank you.

Here are the color choices...

Matte Black and White

Matte  and Glossy Red

Glossy or matte Light Yellow

Metallic Gold

Matte Bubble Gum Pink

Glossy and Matte Pink

Light Blue Glossy

Orange Glossy

Lime Green Glossy

Navy Blue Matte

Metallic Silver

Glossy Purple

Please reador watch a tutorial online to learn how to apply a vinyl sticker in addition toreading this it may help to see someone do it, if it is your first time. I alsoincluded step by step instructions below.

Equipment Needed

A credit card or avinylsqueegee, and application tape.

How to apply sticker:

The idea is the tape appliedto the top of the sticker will hold everything in place while you safely pulloff the backing of the sticker.

If you need anythingspecific with a sticker, custom sizes or designs, colors, let me know. Thanksagain. Email me if you have any questions about applying the sticker or usingthe included application tape.



1. I did this step for you so you can skip it. Just put application tapeon the top of sticker; apply from one side to the other using a creditcard orvinyl squeegee. Apply pressure over the whole sticker with the credit card orsqueegee. Flip over.

Start here with sticker flipped over with sticker backing on top, application tape of masking looking tape on bottom.

2. Pull off the backing ofthe sticker. This is the waxy piece of paper underneath your sticker. Be careful as you pull off the backing making sure everything is sticking to the app tape, when finished be careful the app tape and sticker will stick to anything like crazy.

3. Line up sticker properly;place one side down, then slowly credit or squeegee from the side you put down all the way to the other side until thewhole sticker is down. Go over the whole sticker pushing out any air bubbles orparts that are not all the way down.

4. Carefully and slowly pulloff application tape making sure all sticker parts are staying on the mediumyou are applying the sticker to. If something not sticking (which is rare,usually only for real small pieces) go back and reapply with squeegee or creditcard directly on part not sticking and then try again, repeat until stuck down.

5. Go over the whole stickerlightly with squeegee or credit card.

For wet application

1.Spray the surface thatyou want the sticker to be approximately, with soap and water.

2. Place sticker over thesprayed area and slide around until in correct spot, do this quickly, it willstart to stick. Once the sticker is where you want it…

3. With squeegee, or creditcard, start pushing and pulling the water out from under the sticker with theedge of the card or squeegee, keep doing this tell no bubbles and almost allthe water is out.

4. Carefully pull applicationtape off, making sure it isn’t taking off any of the sticker.

5. Wipe down with soft cloth and let dry.

Congratulations onapplying your sticker!

If you need anything specific with a sticker, custom sizes or designs, colors,let me know. Thanks again. Email me if you have any questions about applyingthe sticker or using the included application tape.
