Wireless Doorbell Receiver GPIO project kit.

For Raspberry Pi A, B, B+, A+, Pi 2, Pi 3 and Pi Zero W (with a GPIO header fitted) models.

Everything you need to detect the 433MHz wireless signals from Lloytron MIP series wireless doorbells, PIR modules & magnetic door sensors, using your Raspberry Pi.

Receive alerts & photos on your phone when someone pushes your doorbell, or build a complete alarm system using inexpensive wireless Lloytron PIR sensors (£12) & wireless Lloytron magnetic door contacts (£7).

Plug a set of PC speakers into your Pi & play any MP3 sample you like when someone pushes the doorbell (sample MP3 gongs, bells, sirens & dogs barking included on the DVD).

Think of our kit as the glue that joins your Wireless Lloytron MIP doorbell -> Raspberry Pi & camera -> phone.

Here's what's in the kit:
  • 433MHz-116dBm low-noise shielded receiver module AM Super Heterodyne (receiver range 30 metres+)
  • Mini Breadboard 170 tie-point white with adhesive backing.
  • 3x IDC male to female leads 20cm in length
  • 5 volt buzzer
  • 2x IDC male to female cables
  • Printed GPIO pin guide card
  • DVD with detailed 31 page PDF instructions eBook, various useful shell scripts & some MP3 bell, gong & siren samples.
  • Access to our server for pulling down code to your Pi (saves you typing our scripts in)
  • Any support you might need by email.

Doesn't include a Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi Camera module, Raspberry Pi case or any of the Lloytron MIP products or driveway alarms shown in photos.

This kit is only compatible with the inexpensive 433MHz Lloytron MIP doorbells, PIRs & Magnetic Door contacts shown below.

The Lloytron MIP devices shown above are all available cheaply on eBay, but they aren't included with the kit.
Each Lloytron MIP device has its own unique burned-in code, a bit like the MAC address in your PC's WiFi - this means you can have multiple PIRs or Magnetic Door sensors and know which one has been triggered.

Lloytron MIP wireless doorbells cost £5.69 (waterproof), the Lloytron MIP wireless PIR costs £11.59 (not waterproof) & the Lloytron MIP wireless magnetic door contacts cost £6.99. All elsewhere on eBay.

It won't detect anything else you may already own... A brand new Lloytron MIP wireless doorbell will cost you under £6 elsewhere on eBay.co.uk (we also have other kits in our eBay shop for £19.99 that include the doorbell)

Here's what we send you:

The 433MHz receiver listens out for the unique numeric codes from the Lloytron MIP doorbell, PIR module or magnetic door sensor. Our test.sh script prints out the unique code from each device you own. You make a list of them & then edit our other shell scripts so they contain your unique codes & email address. When the doorbell is pushed your Raspberry Pi will take a photo from the Raspberry Pi camera or USB webcam & email it to your phone - great if you're out and want to know who's calling at your home/office. Maximum wireless receiver range is around 30 metres in clear space - in our tests it works throughout the house & garden with no problems (and that's without adding an optional 17.3cm wire antenna to the receiver module).

This kit has been thoroughly tested on our own Pi & is in everyday use at our office.

Just some of the scripts included:

test.sh - use this script to troubleshoot that everything is working correctly. Prints out the codes for your Lloytron MIPS doorbell.

drivealarm-rpicam.sh - when a signal is detected, it takes a photo & emails it to your phone. Records a HD video to SD card.

drivealarm-rpicamtd.sh - when a signal is detected, it takes a photo, time & date stamps the image in the top right corner & emails it to your phone. Records a HD video to SD card.

drivealarm-night.sh - use with a PiNoIR camera module. Takes a regular photo in the day & a night exposure photo between 9pm and 7am. Records a HD video to SD card.

drivealarm-multi.sh - looks out for a doorbell & a PIR signal, sends a different email message depending what's been triggered, emails a photo to your phone & records a HD video to the SD card.

buzzer.sh - a two-tone beep noise, when the doorbell is pushed. Supplied in case you didn't buy a mains chime adapter with your Lloytron MIPS wireless doorbell. Also includes three other buzzer scripts, the most complicated of which use a fancy loop.

drivealarm-bluetooth.sh - scans for bluetooth devices in range when the doorbell is pushed. USB bluetooth adapter required with CSR chipset.

drivealarm-wifi.sh - scans for unique MAC WiFi addresses when the doorbell is pushed.

Includes 31 page PDF manual  (all written by ourselves) with example code on DVD, and components shown in the photo at the top of this listing. Plus any help you need by email.
If you have a Bluetooth or WiFi dongle, we also show you how to scan for devices present when the doorbell is pressed.

Topics covered in the PDF manual:
  • Connecting wires to 433MHz receiver & GPIO pins
  • Installing software
  • Test script to check everything is working correctly and learn your unique device codes
  • The shell scripts can also be downloaded from our internet server direct to the Pi with a wget command. Saves you typing them in.
  • How to configure Pi to send emails using Gmail
  • How to setup your Pi to use a USB WiFi dongle & connect to your router or Android phone acting as a WiFi access point.
  • How to make your Pi launch one of our scripts in the background each time the Pi is powered up. (/etc/rc.local) Survive power outages.
  • Capture photos from your Raspberry Pi camera module and email you the photo as an attachment.
  • Record 10 second HD video clip to SD card when the alarm is triggered (easy to make longer or shorter).
  • How to connect and test the 5 volt buzzer, if you want to use it. Four distinct buzzer noises provided, for different devices.
  • Play an MP3 audio file when the doorbell is pushed. Sample MP3 ding-dongs, chimes & sirens provided on our DVD. (Speakers required)
  • Shell scripts for grabbing CCTV images from USB video grabbers (STK1160 chipset only).
  • We show you how to grab photos from the Sony PS3 eyetoy USB camera & any other Pi compatible USB webcam.
  • How to connect to your Pi remotely from your PC or Mac using Putty. Allows you to run the Pi headless.
  • We show you how to copy H.264 video recordings from the Raspberry Pi back to your PC or Mac using Filezilla.
  • You can playback the H.264 videos on your PC or Mac using the free VLC Media Player.
  • How to install Tshark, put WiFi card in monitor mode, grab WiFi Probe Requests from nearby phones. (USB wifi adapter required)
  • Install Bluetooth hardware & software guide (CSR chipset Bluetooth USB device required)
  • Shell script that captures details of any nearby phones with Bluetooth & WiFi enabled & emails Mac address and ID to your email account. (includes facility to exclude neighbours)
  • How to install latest Raspbian SD card image to an SD card on a Windows or Linux PC.

Includes everything shown in the photo above. Doesn't include Raspberry Pi, Pi camera module, SD card, wireless doorbell, wireless PIR, wireless driveway alarm, mobile phone, etc.
Your Pi should be running a recent version of Raspbian & be connected to your internet router.

Compatible with Raspberry Pi A, B, B+, A+, Pi 2, Pi 3 and Pi Zero W (with a GPIO header fitted) models.

Price includes VAT, receipt provided. 1st class UK postage is £2.
(Worldwide delivery is £7.99)

We are not affiliated with the Raspberry Pi Foundation.
Raspberry Pi is a trademark of the Raspberry Pi Foundation.
All rights acknowledged.

We also have this kit with a doorbell included for £19.99 elsewhere in our eBay shop.

If you want to have your Raspberry Pi turn a 12v security light on & off while the photo & video are captured, you might also be interested in our

If you want to connect a PIR to your PC or Mac, then check out our