

A truly stunning and unique collection of over 200 rare, out-of-print books and documents compiled together for the first time on one DVD covering all aspects of THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE.


Discover the history of medicine from around the world and through all ages – from ancient Hindu cures to English medicine in the Anglo-Saxon times. Read about the natural history of medicine among the Indians in North-America. Study ancient Chinese traditional herb lore and explore the great medical discoveries, from the earliest origins of medicine through to the early 1900s. Including works on ancient Greek, Roman, Egypt, Babylonian and Indian medicines, this collection is vast. Also included are books on the history of surgery and surgical procedures, Middle Age epidemics, famous physicians, the philosophy, principles and practice of medicine, ancient medical myths and superstitions and much more!


Some of the books contained within this collection are extremely hard-to-find and will provide a valuable library of reference material. Overall, an absolute must for anyone with an interest in the history of medicine, ancient medicines and medical procedures. The full list of titles included speaks for itself….


This superb compilation of 214 vintage books on DVD data disc provides literally 1,000’s of pages of great content and fabulous photos / illustrations for the reader. All of the books have been scanned in high quality and preserved forever in pdf format - easy to read on your laptop or computer, or transfer to tablet, smartphone, kindle or e-reader. You can also print entire books or select pages. Most of the books are written in English with several additional texts in French, German and Italian.


This is without doubt the most extensive collection of its kind - compiled over time by rare-book-collections, and only available here!


The Full List of Titles Included is as Follows:

1785-1909. Daniel Drake and his followers; historical and biographical sketches - O. Juettner (1909)

A biographical cyclopedia of medical history - J. Bostock (1905)

A book about doctors - J. C. Jeaffreson (1861)

A brief historical sketch of the discovery of the circulation of the blood - G. Fisher (1877)

A brief sketch of the ancient history of medicine - P. L. Burchell (1878)

A Century of American medicine, 1776-1876, by E. H. Clarke (1876)

A chronology of medicine, ancient, mediaeval, and modern ... the birth & growth of medicine from the earliest times to the present day - J. Richards (1880)

A dictionary of practical surgery comprehending all the most interesting improvements from the earliest times down to the present period - S. Cooper (1830)

A history of medical education from the most remote to the most recent times - T. Puschmann (1891)

A history of medicine in Missouri - E. J. Goodwin (1905)

A history of the medical profession of southern California - G. H. Kress (1910)

A list of books by some of the old masters of medicine and surgery together with books on the history of medicine and on medical biography - L. Pilcher (1918)

A medical discourse, or an historical inquiry into the ancient and present state of medicine - P. Middleton (1769)

A Medical history of the state of Indiana - G. Kemper (1911)

A narrative of medicine in America - J. G. Mumford (1903)

A review of the improvements, progress and state of medicine in the XVIIIth century - D. Ramsay (1801)

A sketch of medicine and pharmacy - S. E. Massengill (1922)

A sketch of the history of scientific medicine - B. T. Lowne (1875)

A treatise on acupuncturation - being a description of a surgical operation originally peculiar to the Japonese and Chinese - J. Churchill (1821)

A treatise on the utility of sangui-suction, or, Leech bleeding, in the treatment of a great variety of diseases - R. Price (1822)

A treatise on verminous diseases, preceded by the natural history of intestinal worms, and their origin in the human body - V. L. Brera (1917)

Address to the York Medical Society - medicine in the past, present and future - W. S. Church (1905)

Aetiology and semeiology - consisting of Aretæus on the causes and signs of acute diseases; and Schill's Outlines of pathological semeiology (1841)

American medical biography or, Memoirs of eminent physicians who have flourished in America - J. Thacher (1828)

An English translation of the Sushruta samhita, based on original Sanskrit text Vol. 1 (1907)

An English translation of the Sushruta samhita, based on original Sanskrit text Vol. 2 (1907)

An English translation of the Sushruta samhita, based on original Sanskrit text Vol. 3 (1907)

An enquiry into the natural history of medicine among the Indians in North-America, and a comparitive view of their diseases and remedies - B. Rush (1774)

An epitome of the history of medicine - R. Park (1899)

An essay on the antiquity of Hindoo medicine - J. F. Royle (1837)

An historical sketch of medicine and surgery, from their origin to the present time - W. Black (1782)

An historical sketch of the state of medicine in the American Colonies, from their first settlement to the period of the Revolution - J. Beck (1850)

An interpretation of ancient Hindu medicine - C. Chakraberty (1923)

An introduction to the history of medicine with medical chronology, suggestions for study and bibliographic data - F. H. Garrison (1917)

An introduction to the history of medicine with medical chronology, suggestions for study and bibliographic data - F. H. Garrison (1921)

Ancient cures, charms, and usages of Ireland; contributions to Irish lore - L. Wilde (1890)

Andrew Taylor Still - being a little journey to the home of the founder of osteopathy - E. Hubbard (1912)

Anglo-Saxon leechcraft - an historical sketch of early English medicine - H. S. Wellcome (1912)

Autobiographical recollections of the medical profession - J. F. Clarke (1874)

Autobiography of Andrew T. Still, with a history of the discovery and development of the science of osteopathy - A. T. Still (1897)

Ayurveda, or the Hindu system of medical science (1899)

Canon medicinae - Avicenna (980-1037) (published 1489)

Chronologia medica - a handlist of persons, periods and events in the history of medicine - D. Power (1923)

Commentaries on the surgery of the war in Portugal, Spain, France, and the Netherlands, from the battle of Roliça, in 1808, to that of Waterloo, etc; - G. Guthrie (1862)

Commentary on the Hindu system of medicine - T. Wise (1845)

Contributions to medical and biological research - W. Osler (1919)

Contributions to the annals of medical progress and medical education in the United States before and during the war of independence - J. M. Toner (1874)

Cures; the story of the cures that fail - J. J. Walsh (1923)

Curious bypaths of history being medico-historical studies and observations - A. Cabanes (1898)

De recta sanguinis missione, or, New and exact observations of fevers - J. White (1712)

Devils, drugs, and doctors - the story of the science of healing from medicine men to doctor - H. W. Haggard (1813)

Die Medicin in Wien während der letzten 100 Jahre - T. Puschmann (1884)

Disquisitions in the history of medicine - R. Millar (1811)

Doctors of the old school - being curiosities of medicine and ancient practise - P. Davies (1905)

Dr. A.T. Still, founder of osteopathy - M.   A. Lane (1918)

Dr. William Smellie and his contemporaries, a contribution to the history of midwifery in the eighteenth century (1894)

Early history of the North Carolina Medical Society - J. W. Long (1917)

English medicine in the Anglo-Saxon times - J. F. Payne (1904)

Epidemics resulting from wars - F. Prinzing (1916)

Epitome of the history of medicine - R. Park (1898)

Epoch-making contributions to medicine, surgery and the allied sciences - C. Camac (1909)

Erreurs, superstitions, doctrines médicales - L. Perret (1879)

Fifty years of medical progress, 1873-1922 - H. Drinkwater (1922)

Gilbertus Anglicus, medicine, of the thirteenth century - H. E. Handerson (1918)

Greek biology and Greek medicine - C. J. Singer (1922)

Herb lore - Fong Wan Herb Co. (1921)

Hindu medicine (1845)

Histoire de la médecine - depuis son origine jusqu'au dix-neuvième siècle Vols. 1 - 9 - K. Sprengel (1815)

Histoire de la médecine arabe Vols. 1 & 2 - L. Leclerc (1875)

Histoire de la médecine depuis ses origines jusqu'à nos jours - L. Meunier (1911)

Historic notes and Canadian medical lore (1906)

History of medical education and institutions in the United States, from the first settlement of the British colonies to the year 1850 - N. S. Davis (1851)

History of medicine. A brief outline of medical history and sects of physicians, from the earliest historic period - A. Wilder (1901)

History of medicine. Syllabus and specimen extracts - J. D. Comrie (1900)

History of medicine from the earliest ages to the commencement of the nineteenth century - R. Dunglison (1872)

History of medicine in New York - three centuries of medical progress Vols. 2, 3 & 4 - J. J. Walsh (1919)

History of medicine - M. Neuberger (1910)

History of medicine, from its origin to the nineteenth century, with an appendix - P-V. Renouard (1867)

History of medicine, with the code of medical ethics - N. Davis (1903)

History of the origin of medicine - J. C. Lettsom (1778)

History of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, and of the Irish schools of medicine - C. A. Cameron (1886)

I. I-em-hotep and ancient Egyptian medicine  II. Prevention of valvular disease - R. Caton (1904)

Introductory remarks to a course of lectures on the history of medicine - J. W. Begbie (1856)

La grande chirurgie de Guy de Chauliac ...  composée en l'an 1363 (published 1890)

La médecine du Thalmud; ou, Tous le passages concernant la médecine extraits des 21 traités du Thalmud de Babylone - I. M. Rabbinowicz (1880)

La médecine; histoire et doctrines - C. Daremberg (1865)

L'archiatrie romaine; ou, La medecin officielle dans l'empire romain - R. M. Briau (1877)

Le moyen age médical - E. Dupouy (1888)

Les médecins grecs - A. Corlieu (1885)

Lessons from the history of medical delusions - W. Hooker (1850)

Locke and Sydenham, etc., etc - J. Brown (1866)

London, ancient and modern, from the sanitary and medical point of view - G. V. Poore (1889)

Medical discoveries by the non-medical - G. Gould (1903)

Medical economy during the Middle Ages - G. F. Fort (1883)

Medical fashions in the nineteenth century - E. T. Tibbits (1884)

Medical heresies historically considered - G. Smythe (1880)

Medical works of the fourteenth century, together with a list of plants recorded in contemporary writings, with their identifications - G. Henslow (1899)

Medical, philosophical, and vulgar errors, of various kinds, considered and refuted - J. Jones (1797)

Medicine and surgery in the Orient, early days of the American Surgical Association - J. E. Mears (1908)

Medicine in ancient Erin; an historical sketch from Celtic to Mediaeval times - H. S. Wellcome (1909)

Medicine in England during the reign of George III - A. Chaplin (1919)

Medicine in the colonies - W. S. Wadsworth (1910)

Medicine, old and new - W. H. Dickinson (1899)

Medieval medicine - J. J. Walsh (1920)

Memoir of the late William Wright, M. D. with extracts from his correspondence, and a selection of his papers on medical and botanical subjects - W. Wright (1828)

Memoirs of medicine, including a sketch of medical history from the earliest accounts to the eighteenth century - R. Walker (1799)

Modern medicine and its study - S. Coupland (1892)

Mosquito or man, The conquest of the tropical world - R. W. Boyce (1909)

Myths in medicine and old-time doctors - A. C. Garratt (1884)

Old-time makers of medicine - the story of the students and teachers of the sciences related to medicine during the Middle Ages - J. J. Walsh (1911)

On superstitions connected with the history and practice of medicine and surgery - T. J. Pettigrew (1844)

On the progress of preventive medicine during the Victorian era - R. Thorne (1888)

Outlines of Greek and Roman medicine - J. Elliott (1914)

Outlines of the ancient history of medicine - being a view of the progress of the healing art among the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Arabians - D. M. Moir (1831)

Paracelsus and his influence on chemistry and medicine - L. H. Steiner (1853)

Pasteur and after Pasteur - S. Paget (1914)

Pathfinders in medicine - V. Robinson (1912)

Primitive psycho-therapy and quackery - R. M. Lawrence (1910)

Principles of the theory and practice of medicine - M. Hall (1839)

Review of the history of medicine Vol. 1 - T. Wise (1867)

Review of the history of medicine Vol. 2 - T. Wise (1867)

Roman natural history and science, and Roman medicine - Royal College of Physicians of London (1910)

Rosa anglica sev Rosa medicinæ Johannis Anglici - an early modern Irish translation of a section of the mediaeval medical text-book of John of Gaddesden (published 1923)

Science of sphygmica or sage kanád on pulse - an English translation with Sanskrit passages - R. L. Gupta (1891)

Sir James Young Simpson and chloroform, 1811-1870 (1897)

Sketch of the history of medicine, from its origin to the commencement of the nineteenth century - J. Bostock (1835)

Sketches from ancient medicine - L. Shapter (1884)

Some early medical history of the upper Desplaines   Valley, Illinois - C. A. Earle (1897)

Some of the medical pioneers of Kentucky - J. N. McCormack (1917)

Standard history of the medical profession of Philadelphia - F. P. Henry (1897)

Storia della medicina in Italia Vols. 1 - 5 - S. de Renzi (1845)

Storia della medicina Vol. 1 - F. Puccinotti (1850)

Storia della medicina Vol. 2 Pt. 1 - F. Puccinotti (1850)

Storia della medicina Vol. 2 Pt. 2 - F. Puccinotti (1850)

Storia della medicina Vol. 3 - F. Puccinotti (1850)

Studies in the history and method of science - C. Singer (1917)

Studies in the medicine of ancient India - A. Hoernle (1907)

Studies in the palaeopathology of Egypt - M. A. Ruffer (1921)

Superstition in medicine - H. Magnus (1908)

Surgery of the prostate, pancreas, diaphragm, spleen, thyroid and hydrocephalus; a historical review - B. M. Ricketts (1904)

Surgical memoirs, and other essays - J. G. Mumford (1908)

Syrian anatomy, pathology and therapeutics; or, The Book of Medicines. - E. A. Budge (1913)

The art of dissecting the human body, in a plain, easy, and compendious method - M. Lyser (1740)

The Bath physicians of former times - J. Murch (1882)

The birth and growth of science in medicine - F. W. Andrewes (1920)

The dawn of modern medicine - A. H. Buck (1920)

The early history of the medical profession in the county of Norfolk, Mass. - E. Alden (1853)

The epidemics of the Middle Ages - J. Hecker (1859)

The evolution of modern medicine - W. Osler (1921)

The extant works of Aretaeus, the Cappadocian - F. Adams (1856)

The fyrst boke of the introduction of knowledge made by Andrew Borde, of physycke doctor - A. Boorde (published 1870)

The growth of medicine from the earliest times to about 1800 - A. H. Buck (1917)

The growth of truth as illustrated in the discovery of the circulation of the blood - W. Osler (1906)

The healing art, or, Chapters upon medicine, diseases, remedies, and physicians, historical, biographical and descriptive Vol. 1 - W. Adams (1887)

The healing art, or, Chapters upon medicine, diseases, remedies, and physicians, historical, biographical and descriptive Vol. 2 - W. Adams (1887)

The historical relations of ancient Hindu with Greek medicine in connection with the study of modern medical science in India - A. Webb (1850)

The historical relations of medicine and surgery to the end of the sixteenth century - T. C. Allbutt (1905)

The history of medicine - D. Riesman (1899)

The history of medicine in its salient features - W. Libby (1922)

The history of medicine, philosophical and critical, from its origin to the twentieth century Vol. 1 - D. A. Gorton (1910)

The history of medicine, philosophical and critical, from its origin to the twentieth century Vol. 2 - D. A. Gorton (1910)

The history of medicine, surgery, and anatomy, from the creation of the world to the commencement of the nineteenth century Vol. 1 - W. Hamilton (1831)

The history of medicine, surgery, and anatomy, from the creation of the world to the commencement of the nineteenth century Vol. 2 - W. Hamilton (1831)

The history of the study of medicine in the British Isles - N. Moore (1908)

The Indian operation of couching for cataract - R. Elliot (1918)

The life of Thomas Linacre, Doctor in medicine, physician to King Henry VIII, the tutor and friend of Sir Thomas More, and the founder of the Royal College of Physicians - J. Johnson (1835)

The materia medica of the Hindus, compiled from Sanskrit medical works - U. C. Dutt (1877)

The medical annals of Maryland, 1799-1899 - E. F. Cordell (1903)

The medical profession in ancient times - J. Watson (1856)

The medical works of Paulus Aegineta, the Greek physician, translated into English (1834)

The medicine of the ancients - E. Dickinson (1875)

The origin and growth of the healing art, a popular history of medicine in all ages and all countries - E. Berdoe (1893)

The physician as naturalist; addresses and memoirs bearing on the history and progress of medicine chiefly during the last hundred years - W. T. Gairdner (1889)

The physicians of Myddvai  Meddygon Myddvai, or, The medical practice of the celebrated Rhiwallon and his sons, of Myddvai, in Caermarthenshire (1861)

The plague of lust - being a history of venereal disease in classical antiquity Vol. 1 - J. Rosenbaum (1901)

The plague of lust - being a history of venereal disease in classical antiquity Vol. 2 - J. Rosenbaum (1901)

The practice of medicine among the Burmese - K. N. Macdonald (1879)

The practice of medicine by the Chinese in America - S. Culin (1887)

The principles and practice of medicine - N. Moore (1893)

The principles and practice of obstetric medicine and surgery - F. H. Ramsbotham (1851)

The progress and the spirit of medical science - E. R. Peaslee (1859)

The reform-medical practice - with a history of medicine, from the earliest period to the present time (1857)

The relation of medicine to philosophy - R. O. Moon (1909)

The school of Salernum; Regimen sanitatis salernitanum - the English version - J. Harington (published 1920)

The science of oriental medicine - Foo & Wing Herb Company (1902)

The seven books of Paulus Aegineta Vol. 1 - F. Adams (1844)

The seven books of Paulus Aegineta Vol. 2 - F. Adams (1844)

The seven books of Paulus Aegineta Vol. 3 - F. Adams (1844)

The study of medicine Vol. 1 - J. M. Good (1835)

The study of medicine Vol. 2 - J. M. Good (1835)

The Suc̲ruta-samhita ̄or, The Hindu system of medicine according to Suc̲ruta - R. Hoernle (1897)

The surgical instruments of the Hindus - G. Mukhopādhyāya (1913)

The vertuose boke of distyllacyon of the waters of all maner of herbes - H. Bruncshwig (1527)

The writings of Hippocrates and Galen - J. Redman (1846)

Therapeutic guide - G. Jahr (1879)

Treatises of fistula in ano, haemorrhoids and clysters - J. Arderne (1307-1370) (published 1910)

Two discourses dealing with medical education in early New York - S. Bard (1921)

With sabre and scalpel; the autobiography of a soldier and surgeon - J. A. Wyeth (1914)



An absolute must for anyone with an interest in the history of medicine, ancient medicine and the traditional medicines used around the world – an unbelievable treasure trove of information for a very small price!


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For some devices you may need to convert the pdf files. A free program called Calibre can be used to do this and can be included on the DVD if requested.


Please note that this is a data DVD disc that will contain all of the books, documents and material listed in this auction. It will work in a laptop or computer (including MAC) but will NOT work on a normal DVD player, X-Box or audio CD player.



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