Original issue, US Army Office of The Chief of Military History Publication, 783 pages, size is 7" x 10", hard cover, dated 1961.  This is not a commercial copy or print but an original issue government print first published in 1962 and republished in 1989  This is part of the US Army in World War II series, (the "Green" books).  This book is titled - CMH Publication 5-1, The War in the Pacific, Strategy and Command:  The First Two Years by Louis Morton (1962, tables, charts, maps, illustrations (black and white photographs), appendixes, bibliographial note, glossaries, index).  An analysis of organization and logisitics as well as strategy and command, covering the coming of the war, Japanese policy and American strategy before Pearl Harbor, Japanese victories in the first six months of the war, first efforts in New Guinea and Solomons to stem the Japanese tide, and the limited offensive in the summer of 1943.