In House of Dark Shadows, Book One in the series, the Kings move from L.A. to a secluded small town and fifteen-year-old Xander is beyond disappointed. He and his friends loved to create amateur films...and the tiny town of Pinedale is the last place a movie buff and future filmmaker wants to land.
But they soon discover there's something odd about their new house. Sounds come from the wrong directions. Prints of giant, bare feet appear in the dust. But then the really weird stuff kicks in: They find a hidden hallway with portals leading to far-off places --- in long-ago times. Xander is starting to wonder if this kind of adventure is a teen's dream come true...or his worst nightmare.

In Watcher in the Woods, Book Two in the series, the Kings learn that pretending everything's all right is harder than it sounds.
But when a stranger shows up to take their house, their options start dwindling fast. Why would he be so interested in a run-down old place? And what secret is he hiding --- just as he hides the scars that crisscross his body?
The mystery gets stranger with each passing day. Will the Kings be able to find a way to harness the house's secrets and discover who is watching their every move before another gets snatched into an unknown world?