Vintage Rare Books on disk DVD in PDF format


Occult Magic & Sorcery



155 Vintage Books



Deluxe Edition on

USB Flash Drive


 A Totally unique and unrivalled collection


A totally unique Library of  155 rare out-of-print books scanned to disk available for the first time here.  This stunning collection contains books relating to Occult Magic & Sorcery.

Compiled for the first time here this collection of books forms is without doubt the most complete reference archive of Magic in the Occult world and its development and skills - a library of books that is stunning for it's depth, breadth and quality.

The history of occult magic and science. Ths library is a rare oportunity to learn of the magic of talismans, semitic magic, theosophy, occult teachings and much more. Discover the details of ritual magic ancient and modern.

Whatever your requirements a Complete list of the titles of the books that are included on the disk is reproduced below, take the time to read through the list of titles that has been reproduced below and you will see the depth and breadth of knowledge that is covered.


 The most Complete Library available




N.B there is NO BOX or physical books included in the purchase - you will receive a USB flash drive containing the books in PDF format for use on your Computer.


The colour and style of the USB drive may vary from the picture, we will send whatever drive we currently have available, a particular colour or style cannot be pre-selected.



On The Drive

This unique drive is an opportunity to own these rare and collectible vintage books before they disappear forever. Some of the books are already unavailable and but for being scanned into digital format would never be seen again.

Each page has been scanned in as a faithful reproduction of the original. This is a chance to be able to see books that would otherwise be lost to future generations.

The drive contains rare out-of-print books relating to Magic, Spells and Sorcery from the Occult sphere. Each book is individually named on the drive and thus is easily searchable by title, and each book is individually searchable itself.

Be Aware - that other sellers may pad out their collection of books with foreign language titles or books that are not relevant to the topic. Compare items and you will see the quality and effort that goes into our disks. Other sellers also put security lock on the books which requires a password (which they wont give you) so it is restricted as to what you can do with the books - all our books are completely unrestricted. In addition all our books are fully named exactly as you see in the list below making them easy to find and easily searchable - other sellers may simply supply you a disk with books named randomly making it virtually impossible to find the book you want.

IMPORTANT: These books come supplied on a USB Flash Drive - note that this is not a USB drive that will that will "play" on a home DVD player or TV, it contains no video whatsoever. It is a Data Drive and must be used on a Computer to view the PDF book files 



155 Books on USB Drive

A Confirmation & Discovery of Witchcraft - J Stearne
A Historical Account of Witchcraft in Scotland - C Sharpe
A History of the Witches of Renfrewshire - A Gardner
A Manual Of Occultism - Sephariel
A Short History Of The Salem Village Witchcraft Trials - M V B Perley (1911)
A Study Of Bagobo Magic & Myth - L Benedict
A Treatise Of Magickal Incantations - C Pazig
A Witchcraft Practice of the Atharva-Veda - H Magoun
An easie introduction to the philosophers magical gold, to which is added, Zoroasters cave,  otherwise called, The philosophers stone - J. Thor (1667)
Ancient Mysteries & Modern Revelations - W Colville
Anima magica abscondita, or, A discourse of the universall spirit of nature - with his strange, abstruse, miraculous ascent and descent - T. Vaughan (1650)
Aphorismi Urbigerani, Certain rules clearly demonstrating the 3 infallible ways of preparing the grand elixir, or circulatum majus of the philosophers - B. Urbigerus (1690)
Aradia or the Gospel of the Witches - C G Leland
Ars Notoria - The Notory Art of Solomon
Babylonian Oil Magic - S Daiches
Book Of Ceremonial Magic(1913)
Calendarium naturale magicum perpetuum profundissimam rerum secretissimarum contemplationem totiusque Philosophiae  - M. Merian  (1619) [One page Chart]
Ceremonial Magic Unveiled - D Fortune
Confessions of Witches Under Torture 1617
Cotton Mather And Salem Witchcraft - W Poole (1869)
Demoniality or Incubi & Succubi - Rev Sinistari
Demotic Magical Papyrus of London & Leiden V1 - F Griffith
Demotic Magical Papyrus of London & Leiden V2 - F Griffith
Demotic Magical Papyrus of London & Leiden V3 - F Griffith
Dogma Et Rituel De La Magie - Pt I - E Levi
Dogma Et Rituel De La Magie - Pt II - E Levi
Earth Inferno - A O Spare
Egyptian Magic - E A Wallis Budge
Ghost Land - E Britten
Grimoire Of Honorius
Grimoirium Imperium
Heptameron - P de Abaro
Hindu Occult Art Magic - K T Ramashami
History of Magic & Experimental Science V 1 - L Thorndike
History of Magic & Experimental Science V2 - L Thorndike
Huna - M Freedom Long
Hypnotism Mesmerism & the New Witchcraft - E Hart
Jewish Magic & Superstition - J Trachtenberg
Konx Om Pax - A Crowley
Lectures On The Early History Of The Kingship - J Frazer
Lectures On Witchcraft - C W Upham
Letters on Natural Magic - D Brewster
Libellus Magicus
Liber [Chanokh] - J Dee
Liber Aleph vel CXI - A Crowley
Liber DCCCLX_ John St. John
Liber LXII - Hp Blavatsky & A Crowley
Liber Mysteriorum Quartus - J Dee
Liber Mysteriorum Quintus - J Dee
Liber Thirty One - Frater Achad
Magia Sexualis - P B Randolph
Magic & Fetishism - A C Haddon
Magic & Witchcraft - G Moir
Magic Divination & Demonology Among The Hebrews - T Davies
Magic Plants - M J H Heucher
Magic White & Black - F Hartmann
Magic Witchcraft & Hypnotism - J Braid
Malay Magic - W W Skeat
Mesmerism Spritualism Witchcraft & Miracle - A Putnam
Modern Magic - M Schele De Vere
My Occult Experiences - J van Manen
Mysteries Of Astrology & The Wonders Of Magic - C Roback
Mysticism & Magic In Turkey - L Garnett
Narratives of Witchcraft Cases - G L Burr
New Englands Place In The History Of Witchcraft - J Burr
Notes on Witchcraft - G L Kittredge
Occult Essays - A P Sinnett
Occult Science in India - L Jacolliot
Occult Science In Medicine - F Hartmann
Occultism & Common Sense - B Willson
Occultism & Modern Science - T Oesterreich
Occultism For Beginners - W Dower
Occultists & Mystic of all Ages - R Shirley
Occultists & Mystics Of All Ages - R Shirley
Papyri Graecae Magicae
Plain Evidence of the Existence of Witches - J Glanville
Rare & Curious Tracts on Witchcraft - D Webster
Records of Salem Witchcraft From Original Documents V2
Scientific Occultism - D P Hatch
Scientific Occultism, A Hypothetical Basis Of Life  - D Hatch (1905)
Seership & The Magic Mirror - P. Beverley Randolph
Sefer Maftea Shelomoh = Sepher Maphteah Shelomo (Book of the Key of Solomon)  an exact facsimile of an original book of magic in Hebrew with illustrations
Semitic Magic Origins & Development - R Thompson (1908)
Studies In Magic From Latin Literature - E Tavenner
Taboo, Magic Spirits..In Roman Religion - E Burriss
The Ancient Book of Formulas- L De Claremont
The Arbatel of Magick
The Black Pullett
The Black Raven - J Faust
The Book Of Ceremonial Magic - A E Waite
The Book of Formulas - J Hazelrigg
The Book Of Pleasure - A O Spare
The Book Of Power - I Shah (Tr)
The Book Of The Black Serpent
The Calls Of Enoch
The Enochian Calls (Alternative)
The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy -  H Agrippa (spurious)
The God Of The Witches - M A Murray
The Grand Lodge Grimoire
The Greater Key of Solomon - Books I & II
The greater Key of Solomon - including a clear and precise exposition of King Solomon's secret procedure, its mysteries and magic rites - L. De Laurence (1914)
The Grimoire Of Armadel
The Hieroglyphic Monad - Dr J Dee
The Inner Life & The Tao-Teh-King - C Bjerregaard
The Lesser Key of Solomon (Legemeton I Goetia)
The Lesser Key of Solomon (Legemeton III Ars Paulina)
The Lesser Key of Solomon (Legemeton IV Ars Almadel)
The Lesser Key of Solomon (Legemeton V Ars Nova)
The Literature Of Witchcraft In New England - J Winsor
The Logomachy of Zos - A O Spare
The Magi & the Star - Unknown
The Magic Of Jewels & Charms - G Frederick Kunz
The Magic of the Middle Ages - V Rydberg
The Magical Message According to Ioannes - J Pryse
The Magical Ritual Of The Sanctum Regnum - E Levi
The Magical Writings Of Thomas Vaughan - A E Waite
The Magus Part I - F Barrett
The Magus Part II - F Barrett
The New Black Magic - G Raupert
The New Black Magic..- J Raupert
The Occult Life Of Jesus Of Nazareth A Smyth
The Oera Linda Book - W Sandbach (Trans)
The Place of Magic - L Thorndike (1905)
The Realness Of Witchcraft In America - A Aurand
The reports of the magicians and astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon in the British Museum Vol. 1 - R. C. Thompson (1900)
The reports of the magicians and astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon in the British Museum Vol. 2 - R. C. Thompson (1900)
The Sacred Book of Death - L W De Lawrence
The Sacred Books & Traditions of The Yezidiz - I Joseph
The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage - Book I
The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage - Book II
The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage - Book III
The Secret Grimoire of Turiel
The Seventh Book of Moses - J Scheibel
The sixth and seventh books of Moses ... the wonderful magical and spirit arts of Moses and Aaron - L. W. de Laurence (1910)
The Sixth Book of Moses - J Scheibel
The Sword Of Moses - M Gaster (trans)
The Sword of Song - A Crowley
The Way of Power - L Adams Beck
The Witch Cult In Western Europe - M A Murray
The Witch Persecutions - G L Burr
The Witchcraft Delusion in Colonial Connecticut - J M Taylor
The Witchcraft Delusion of 1692 - T Hutchinson
The witches' dream book and fortune teller - Noe, A 1855
The Witches Pharmacopœia - R Fletcher
The Zoetic Grimoire of Zos - A O Spare
Theosophy And Occultism - G S R Mead (1892)
Three Books of Occult Philosophy - Book I - H Agrippa
Three Books of Occult Philosophy - Book II - H Agrippa
Three Books of Occult Philosophy - Book III - H Agrippa
William Lilly's History of His Life and Times - W Lilly
Witchcraft & Devil Lore In The Channel Islands - J Pitts
Witchcraft & Quakerism - A Gummere
Witchcraft Detected & Prevented 1824 - Unknown
Witchcraft in Kenmore - J Christie
Witchcraft in North Carolina - T P Cross
XXXI Hymns To The Star Goddess - Frater Achad


The Nature of Scanned Books

You will get a copy of each of the scanned books in PDF format. The PDF will be a replica of the book in exactly the condition it was available to us - so that will necessarily mean that the book will have inevitable signs of ageing. Some of the books in our collection are over 400 years old - it is not possible to maintain a book in pristine condition for that length of time. In addition any marks made by the previous owners will also be present. We do not consider that to be  a flaw of the product but rather adds to its authenticity.

Searchable - Each file is fully named on the drive so it is easy to search and find a particular title. In addition  each book is searchable and individual sections or pages  can easily be printed.

Viewing - The books will require suitable PDF software to view them, almost certainly you will already have this on your computer or device - if not such software is universally available for Free download.

Sizing - Page size can be adjusted to suit your needs for viewing text or images.

Printing - A complete book is printable, or individual sections or just individual pages too.

Images - All images can be printed out and used as you wish.


About the Drive


The drive is not suitable for use on a home DVD player connected to your TV or audio device. The drive contains PDF files (these are electronic books) which can be viewed on your computer. You can easily convert the PDF files to a similar format suitable for viewing on your Tablet, mobile phone, Kindle, eBook reader or other device using the totally free software called Calibre.

Please Note - Physical books are not included in this purchase; all books are scans of the original books in PDF digital format only. You will receive your USB drive only - there is no box included. The cost of a box plus associated increase in postage and packaging would mean the price of the item would need to at least double and we find that our customers do not value a box but rather they value the contents of our drives




All items are shipped from the UK. We despatch within one business day of receiving the order, please note that whilst we can despatch purchases quickly we cannot control the delivery time it takes to reach you.

For UK deliveries the standard service is second class post shipped in secure packaging.

For non-UK deliveries; the standard posting method is Airmail. Please be aware that Airmail delivery times can vary greatly even within the same country, there is not a standard time and please do not expect your item to arrive within a few days - it simply will not happen.

The "Anticipated Delivery" date is given by eBay , not us, and quite frankly should be totally ignored because it is not a true reflection of the reality. There is an option to have tracked international shipping (it is an option in the postage section of the listing) - tracked delivery is far more secure, it can often be quicker but is relatively expensive; we charge just for the cost of the service plus our additional time in organising it; it is entirely optional whether you make use of that service or not.


Satisfaction Guarantee


We feel certain you will be delighted with your purchase. If however for any reason you have cause for concern then please contact us. We are always happy to resolve any issue to your satisfaction and offer a full no-quibble money-back guarantee. We purchase many different items ourselves on eBay and understand the need for quality customer service.

Please note - before contacting us with a query that the USB drive is intended to be use on a computer only (with suitable PDF reader software) - it will not work on a home DVD player connected to your TV or a "smart" TV etc. The drive does not contain audio or video files; it is a data drive with PDFs on it



DELIVERY time-scale  - Note to All Non-UK Buyers


In 99.9% of cases we will post your international purchase to you within one Business day but after that we have absolutely no control over the speed, efficiency or effectiveness  of the particular delivery service that you have selected.

So please be aware of the following:

1. Anticipated delivery is set by eBay (not us) and should be ignored.

2. There is no set time for when your Airmail item will arrive. It may be 2 weeks, it may be 4 weeks (yes items can often take that long to be delivered); but almost certainly it will not be 5 days.

3. Standard Airmail delivery WILL NOT INCLUDE TRACKING – that service is available for an extra charge. Tracking will make  the delivery more secure but does not necessarily speed up the delivery time (we charge extra for tracking simply because that is what Royal Mail charge us).

Please form your expectations on the basis of the points raised above – the same points apply for all sellers though they may not openly say it; but we prefer to create a realistic expectation and as a result have a harmonious relationship rather  than tell you it will arrive in 4 days and then have to deal with the fallout from that when it doesn’t happen.

For any queries please feel free to send us a message using the eBay message system.