About my Agave

If you look at my listings, you'll see I mostly sell cacti from my collection. However, I'll make a few exceptions to this rule, for the most exceptional Agave and Aloe plants from the ones I grow. (Mind you, I grow about 90 different taxa in these two species, so I do know something about what makes a good plant!) 

'Crazy Horse' is a plant I picked up several years ago from Plant Delights, a fine source for high end, quality plants. 

This species' big claim to fame is its extraordinary architectural interest. The leathery leaves are broad, well marked, and with strongly scalloped leaf margins, and a wonderfully undulating leaf character. Truly, when I have other plant-geeks to my house, they always stop and comment on this one species, above all the other Agave. It is a superior plant. 

Its species identification is a matter of speculation--it is widely considered to be a hybrid between Agave salmiana and perhaps A. cupreata. In my cultivation, it throws several pups a year, so you should stay on top of them, otherwise you might get a hedge instead of the specimen plant that looks best. It grows well in drained soil but also in moderate clay. Pot cultivation is successful, too. My parent plant is about 3.5 feet (107 cm) in diameter, so bear in mind this plant will take some room, in time. It has never flowered for me.

My parent plant is about 3 feet (39cm) in diameter, so bear in mind this plant will take some room, in time. It has never flowered for me. 

The sale plant

The sale images showing a plant in a 1 gallon pot is the exact plant I am selling. The other images are from other plants in my plantings, so you can have an idea of what it will look like as it matures. 

The information about the plant’s dimensions and the photographs were all generated when I listed the plant---depending upon date of purchase, the plant may be slightly bigger when you get it. I might end this auction prematurely if there are no bids on at, and I have a visitor to my garden who wants it, but if that happens, I will relist a new (smaller) plant if I have one. 


I grow this plant in full sun, and give it my full winter. It gets through these cold nights (which drop to about 20 F, -7 C), just fine. I have never seen pests on it. Plants are treated with a safe contact insecticide just before shipping. As such, this specimen should be considered reasonably pest-free. Note, however, that I grow it outdoors with no pesticides, and suitable pest precautions should be taken in incorporating them into your collection or landscape. The plant is adapted to bright sun in central California. However, shade it lightly for a few weeks after receiving it. I find that this plant is quite easy to grow. 


The plant will be shipped bare-root. Please ensure that your shipping address will not expose the boxed plant to extreme conditions. Mailboxes in full sun can become dangerously hot, and I will ship to cold climates at your risk. I will work to make sure the plant is not damaged, but it is possible that a few of the leaves will be slightly cracked if they take poorly to the shipping process. Indeed, the main challenge when selling a plant like this on eBay is the shipping costs. I'll offer this until it gets too big to ship! If the shipping is much less than I estimate, I will refund you the difference. I do not buy plants to quickly turn them around and resell them. I know all the plants I sell---most have resulted from normal propagation of my collection plants. If you have questions about growing them, please do not hesitate to ask. I will provide a short care sheet with the plant, too. 

I do not ship internationally. If there are problems with the plant when it arrives, please discuss it with me so I can make things right with you (instead of giving my eBay account a bad review). I work to fulfill orders as soon as I can. If you purchase multiple items from me, I will combine shipping charges, but it is a good idea to send me a note so I catch the fact that you have multiple orders from me. As long as you notify me, I will wait until your shopping is complete before shipping. The fastest way to proceed is to pay for all your items, and then when I box everything up I will calculate the new shipping charges, and refund you the difference via PayPal. That way the plant spends less time in a dark box.