We do combined shipping usps express 2 days delivery . If you place an order we only charge $19.99 for all orders. We will refund the amount you overpaid. No matter how many fish you buy , you only need to pay $19.99 shipping for all

Shipping time :

We will shipping every MONDAY and TUESDAY except holidays . All orders will arrive within 2 business days .

This Flowerhorn Fry is a must-have for any aquarium enthusiast! With its stunning colors and unique patterns, it is sure to catch the eye of anyone who admires aquatic life. This particular fry is between 0.5-1" in size and can be either male or female. It was bred in Thailand and is of the Super Vip variety.

This Flowerhorn Fry is perfect for beginners as it has a moderate temperament and is easy to care for. It prefers fresh water and will make a wonderful addition to any home aquarium. Don't miss out on the opportunity to add this beautiful and unique fish to your collection!


If the fish death in the bag . Please take clear pictures of death fish without opening the bag and send to us , we will make the right thing for you . Within 2 hours the fish arrived to your door . Please bring your fish in to the tank accommodation right away when it arrive.

The fish that you order they're freshwater Baby Flowerhorn fish (same as a few last pictures), not the adult fish .

( if you want male or female, please leave the note or message us , we will pick for you) .

All adults fish on pictures , is how your baby fish will look the same after 3-5 months. Depending tank size and what foods .

Thank you for shopping with us 🙏🏻