Whilst the book is entitled The Bronica Manual, it only covers the last three models (plus their lenses and accessories) released from 1978 to 1988 with a choice of standard formats covering 6x4.5, 6x6 and 6x7. The models include the 1978 ETRS (6x4.5), SQ (6x6) series from 1980, the GS-1 (6x7) released in 1983, and the last ever Bronica from 1988, the ETRSi, an update of the original ETRS. Thus, with a choice of basic format, a photographer may select which is best suited to his needs.

A beauty of the Bronica system, though, is making a choice doesn't necessarily lock you into a specific format, although clearly the 6x4.5 format is limiting in this respect as one can't go larger with the available film backs, only smaller, in this case a choice of standard 36x24mm or 54x24 (panoramic) frame sizes using conventional 35mm film cassettes in the appropriate 35mm film back. The SQ series normally utilising a 6x6 back has optional 6x4.5 and 35mm backs, whilst the GS-1 which normally has a 6x7 back, can utilise both a 6x6 and 6x4.5, but not 35mm. Backs are available in 220 film for all three cameras, and offers twice the number of exposures (30 in the case of the ETRSi, 24 for the SQ, and 20 for the GS-i) but sadly film is no longer produced in the 220 length. A great pity.

William Cheung's book covers the operation and accessories of all three cameras in some depth and is an excellent instruction manual in this respect. Given that these cameras, and their accessories, are often sold without instruction manuals, this book really is a must for any aspiring Bronica owner. Lens changing, for instance, whilst not difficult at all, can't be carried out without firstly winding on to cock the shutter. Also, how is one to check out the mechanical operation of any camera without a film being loaded? Due to the number of safety interlocks, this is not something an aspiring purchaser is likely to work out for themselves. This is where Cheung's book comes in very useful.