Ellie Quicke finds herself the target of a local cult-like church, but are their motives truly Christian or is there darkness at their heart? Ellie is desperate to find someone to look after their elderly housekeeper, whose health is failing. But employing a carer found by Ellie's difficult daughter, Diana, proves to be a mixed blessing when Ellie returns from a trip to America to find that carer Claire has implemented a number of bizarre changes to the Quicke household routine. Claire, is heavily involved in 'the Vision', a local church with a charismatic, powerful pastor, who - seemingly coincidentally - is looking to Ellie for financial help in his current project, housing reformed addicts. But Ellie is suspicious - and more so, when details of Claire's chequered past comes to light. Can Ellie trust Claire and Pastor Ambrose? Ellie investigates and doesn't like what she finds ...