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(Grey titles listed below are unavailable or sold and included only for reference)

The available titles for The Great Books are:

Volume 1 Syntopicon Index to The Great Ideas I

Volume 2 Syntopicon Index to The Great Ideas II

Note: As doubly large volumes, the two Syntopicons must be ordered together and as a FOUR quantity item for Volumes 1 and 2.  i.e. you must enter a 4 in the quantity box to purchase these two.

Volume 3 Homer

Volume 4 Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes

Volume 5 Herodotus, Thucydides

Volume 6 Plato

Volume 7 Aristotle I

Volume 8 Aristotle II

Volume 9 Hippocrates, Galen

Volume 10 Euclid, Archimedes, Apollonius, Nicomachus

Volume 11 Lucretius, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, Plotinus

Volume 12 Virgil

Volume 13 Plutarch

Volume 14 Tacitus

Volume 15 Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler

Volume 16 Augustine

Volume 17 Thomas Aquinas I

Volume 18 Thomas Aquinas II

Volume 19 Dante, Chaucer

Volume 20 Calvin

Volume 21 Machiavelli, Hobbes

Volume 22 Rabelais

Volume 23 Erasmus, Montaigne

Volume 24 Shakespeare I

Volume 25 Shakespeare II

Volume 26 Gilbert, Galileo, Harvey

Volume 27 Cervantes

Volume 28 Bacon, Descartes, Spinoza

Volume 29 Milton

Volume 30 Pascal

Volume 31 Moliere, Racine

Volume 32 Newton, Huygens

Volume 33 Locke, Berkeley, Hume

Volume 34 Swift, Voltaire, Diderot

Volume 35 Montesquieu, Rousseau

Volume 36 Adam Smith

Volume 37 Gibbon I

Volume 38 Gibbon II

Volume 39 Kant

Volume 40 American State Papers, The Federalist, J. S. Mill

Volume 41 Boswell

Volume 42 Lavoisier, Fourier, Faraday

Volume 43 Hegel, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche

Volume 44 Tocqueville

Volume 45 Goethe, Balzac

Volume 46 Austen

Volume 47 Dickens

Volume 48 Melville, Twain

Volume 49 Darwin

Volume 50 Marx

Volume 51 Tolstoy

Volume 52 Dostoevsky, Ibsen

Volume 53 William James

Volume 54 Freud

Volume 55 Philosophy and Religion

Volume 56 Natural Science

Volume 57 Social Science I

Volume 58 Social Science II

Volume 59 Imaginative Literature I

Volume 60 Imaginative Literature II