Tripod is a older vintage version of the 3066 head as see the ribbed tripod plate. It does similar moves with different type of adjustments.

Want to sell it together as whole first, it’s possible may part just the head.

Cons on the head has some pealing cork on the main plate. Also has two different colors handlebars. Has a pair of the large stab screws, it’s possible to find the other two smaller type and screw into the plate for storage. The pan and tilt does work smooth. Looking at the handle bars the right adjustment can tighten to lock the head from tilting by pressure. On the left is the drag control for tilt. On the back is the pan control tightness. The plate has a slotted adjustment if wanted to balance better.

The legs are wooden and has an aluminum spreader. The bad for the tripod is it’s missing one of the screw in stabbing stake which would stab the tripod. It’s possible to unscrew and see if can find a replacement. One of the wood legs near bottom is splintered. The adjustments is one tier, with the wheels can be adjusted. It extends to 6 foot tall with spreaders in. About 2-4 inches shorter with spreaders at full. Shortest with spreaders out is 3 foot 7 inches tall.

Like said will offer as a whole first, then much later will adjust listing and be just the head.

You are welcome to local pick up. Does have a large shipping case that can ship. Will charge what think it may be and refund any extra amount.

Absolutely appericate people reaching out to help keep my listings accurate. Pictures listed will show actual item you will be shipped. Examine carefully for condition and what is included. Any account please message me any questions you may have before committing to buy. I don’t believe in using feedback as ransom, soon as you make a purchase I will leave positive feedback. Please contact me first before leaving feedback for me. I want to work all issues out with and for you! Thank You for looking! Carpe Diem!
