The story of thirteen Empires, showing their key role in the foundation of today's global civilization.

Robert Aldrich is Professor of European History at at the University of Sydney. He is the author of several other books, including (as editor) Gay Life and Culture: A World History and Gay Life Stories, both published by Thames & Hudson.

Introduction: Imperial Overview . 1. The Ottoman Empire: A Diverse Society . 2. Spain: The Genealogy of Modern Colonialism . 3. Portugal Overseas: Asia and America . 4. The Enrichment of the Netherlands: Dutch Colonial Rule and Its Aftermath . 5. Scandinavia: An Outsider in European Imperialism . 6. Britain: The Empire of Good Intentions . 7. France: Empire and the Mère-Patrie . 8. The Two Russian Empires: Tsarist and Soviet . 9. The Austro-Hungarian Monarchy: Re-inventing Central Europe . 10. The Belgian Colonial Empire: Free State or 'Heart of Darkness'? . 11. The German Empire as Colonial Power: The Latecomer . 12. Italy: The Last Empire . 13. The United States: Empire or Way of Life?