Title: The Voyage of the "Discovery" Vol. I and Vol. II


Publication Date: Unknown but esitnate 1913.

Binding: Gold Lettering and embossed blue books

Book Condition: Good

Antarctic explorer Captain Robert Falcon Scott, who died near the South Pole in 1912, initially won his fame with a remarkable trip to Antarctica in 1901, aboard the Discovery. During this journey, Scott became the first man to see the South Polar ice cap and achieved a new 'farthest south' record. He explored the continent from the air via balloon and made a trip across the frozen wastes with Ernest Shakleton. In Voyage of the Discovery, the only work he lived to see published, Scott tells of his exciting and at times horrifying journey, in which he and his men faced blizzards, snow-blindness, the deaths of two crewmates, and a ship so trapped by ice that only dynamite could free it.6