This listing is for TWO small replicas of the red mushroom from the 1971 movie, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.  Each one measures 1.5" x 1.5". This is not edible.

I take the quality of my work very seriously and guarantee that you will be satisfied with it. Check out my reviews to see what others say.  In fact, if you are not satisfied, I will issue you a refund AND give you an extra 50 cents.

Sometimes the international shipping rates are not accurate. Contact me if you are outside of the USA and I'll see if I can get a cheaper shipping rate.

**These are not edible.**

I’ll throw in some bonus items (all Willy Wonka related) with this order as a way of saying thank you! The bonus items could be candy bar wrappers, stickers, signs from the movie, etc.

I have tons of other Willy Wonka related stuff. Check my other listings.