Ruby Tumble Stone

1 x Ruby Tumble Stone Grade AA (mostly red with some matrix 10 – 25%*) measuring between 10-25mm with a choice of weights; either 2g, 3g or 5g (all weights and measurements are approximate) 

* Integrity * Devotion * Happiness * Healing * Courage * Passion * Enthusiasm * Generosity * Inspiration * Prosperity *

* High Energy * Power and Leadership *


Most people don't realize that ruby and sapphire are both gems of the mineral corundum. Both of these gemstones have the same chemical composition and the same mineral structure. Trace amounts of impurities determine if a gem corundum will be a brilliant red ruby or a beautiful blue sapphire. Red and blue are just two of the many colours found in gem corundums. Trace amounts of other elements can produce brilliant yellow, orange, green, and purple gems. The most desired variety of corundum is the ruby.

Rubies have a hardness of 9.0 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. Among the natural gems, only moissanite and diamond are harder. Rubies are gem corundums with a dominant red colour. The colour can range from orangey red to purplish red or brownish red. The red colour of ruby is produced by the presence of chromium in the gem. A small trace of chromium will produce a pink colour. To be considered a ruby, there must be enough chromium to give the gem a distinctly red colour.

Crystal Healing

Chakras - Base Chakra, Heart Chakra

Birthstone - July 

Zodiac - Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius

Planet - Sun

Element - Fire

Numerical Vibration - Number 3

Ruby is a powerful heart stone, opening and activating the Heart chakra. Ruby protects against the loss of heart energy, and dissolves emotional congestion. A powerful healer, Ruby heals and balances emotions, making the holder more emotionally aware, as well as helping them to connect to others emotionally. The intense and vivid energy of Ruby stimulates loving emotions, helps with the expression of love, and can facilitate states of passion and bliss.

Ruby helps us to see the true nature of love, and reveals the Divine Love in everything in the Universe. Using Ruby can help you open up to and receive this Divine Love, as well as become a vehicle through which Divine Love can flow to others.

Ruby helps to gather and amplify energy, aiding in opening the doorway to spiritual knowledge. It can also be used in shielding against and protecting from unwanted energies such as emotional or psychic intrusions.

Ruby is also a stone of abundance and success in business, it promotes clarity and wisdom allowing the wearer to attract wealth. Deep mental concentration is also stimulated by this stone, making it a wonderful aid for students.

Physically, you can use Ruby to warm the extremities, increase circulation and fight infection.

Ruby is beneficial for male impotence as well as female infertility. It helps with perimenopause symptoms and balancing menstrual cycles.

*matrix, in geology, is the material in which something is embedded for instance the natural rock that holds crystals.


EXTRA GRADE: Beautiful red colour, partially translucent, < 10% matrix

A GRADE: Nice red colour, opaque, 10% - 25% matrix

B GRADE: Poor red colour, opaque, > 25% matrix