Please noted, this product is used for the vehicles in the Taiwan market. If you live outside of Taiwan, please research and verify before purchasing or refer the OEM number whether it is suitable for your vehicle, so as not to be unable to fitted,Products sold cannot be returned.

The parcel will be sent by Post Office, freight is not including local fee and duties. If Customs chargesunpaid with buyer or arrived the designated place, but no-body answer the door, also cannot connect with the recipient, lead to the parcel return to seller, we will not bear any liability for compensation, and the return cost should be bear with buyer. if need to resend the parcel, the re-sending cost will be paid by buyer, our store does not accept returns .
In addition, our store does not accept the return of goods that can be used normally or purchased incorrectly. 
If goods failure to operate normally, or damaged during transportation, We will accept the return(exchange).

If you are looking for any spare parts that can't find in my store, you can send the pictures or OE/OEM numbers to us by email. Our store will check and quote if we have.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate telling me through eBay, thank you.