
HOME ALONe 1,2,3,4 Family Collection Region 4 DVD - is used, and in "very goodcondition. Some very light level scratching and marking is apparent on the discs. The case has numerous minor dents and scratches, and displays minimal signs of general wear.

**The discs have been tested, and appear to work perfectly***

The item is exactly as pictured (I don't use stock photos). It will be placed directly in a padded envelope/mailer for shipping. Items shipped without the case will be placed in a plastic sleeve and mailed in a small letter along with the folded cover art

What you get
(refer to pics)

If it's not on the list, it's not included

As this item consists of multiple discs, the item specifics are a combination of information which is relevant to each individual disc. While all listed specifics apply to this item in general, numerous specifics may not be uniform across all discs.


I buy things on eBay as well, and completely understand how disappointing it can be when something isn't exactly what I expected. As a result, I offer the following guarantee on this listing. If for any reason this item isn't up to your expectations in any way, simply return it and I'll give you a full 
refund of the item price - no questions asked!

Please note: any shipping and packaging charges incurred during the transaction are non-refundable. Leaving neutral or negative feedback concludes the transaction and voids this guarantee.

Synopsis* (possible spoiler alert)

The McCallister family is preparing to spend Christmas in Paris, gathering at Peter and Kate's home in a Chicago suburb on the night before their departure. Peter and Kate's youngest son, Kevin, is the subject of ridicule by his older siblings and cousins. Kevin inadvertently ruins the family dinner after a brief scuffle against his oldest brother Buzz, resulting in Kate sending him up to the attic. Kevin berates his mother for allowing the rest of the family to pick on him and wishes that his family would disappear. During the night, heavy winds create a power outage, disabling the alarm clocks and causing the family to oversleep. In the confusion and rush to get to the airport, Kevin is accidentally left behind.

Kevin wakes to find the house empty. Thinking that his wish has come true, he is overjoyed with his newfound freedom. Later, Kevin becomes frightened by his next door
neighbour, "Old Man" Marley, who is rumoured by the local children to be a serial killer who murdered his own family. The McCallister home is soon stalked by the "Wet Bandits", Harry and Marv, a pair of burglars who have been breaking into other vacant houses in the neighbourhood. Kevin tricks them into thinking that his family is still home, forcing them to postpone their plans to rob the McCallister house.

Kate realizes mid-flight that Kevin was left behind, and upon arrival in Paris, the family discovers that all flights for the next two days are booked, and that the phone lines are still down back home in Chicago. Peter and the rest of the family stay in his brother's apartment in Paris, while Kate manages to get a flight back to Scranton, Pennsylvania. She attempts to find a flight to Chicago, but all the flights are booked. Kate is overheard by Gus Polinski, the lead member of a traveling polka band, who offers to let her travel with them to Chicago in a moving van.

Meanwhile, Harry and Marv finally realize that only Kevin is in the McCallister home, and on Christmas Eve, Kevin overhears them discussing plans to break into the house that night. Kevin starts to miss his family and asks the local Santa Claus impersonator if he could bring his family back for Christmas. He goes to church and watches a choir perform, and encounters Marley, who proves the
rumours about him are false. Marley points out his granddaughter in the choir, and mentions he does not otherwise get to see her since she is the daughter of his estranged son. Kevin suggests to Marley that he should reconcile with his son.

Kevin returns home and rigs the house with booby traps. Harry and Marv break in, spring the traps, and suffer various injuries. While Harry and Marv pursue Kevin around the house, he calls the police and lures the duo into a
neighbouring house which they had previously broke into. Harry and Marv ambush Kevin and prepare to get their revenge, but Marley intervenes and knocks them unconscious with his snow shovel. The police arrive and arrest Harry and Marv, having identified all the houses that they broke into due to Marv's destructive habit of flooding them.

On Christmas Day, Kevin is initially disappointed to find that his family is still gone, although Kate arrives home and they reconcile. The rest of the family soon return after waiting in Paris until they could obtain a direct flight to Chicago. Kevin keeps silent about his encounter with Harry and Marv, although Peter finds Harry's knocked-out gold tooth. Kevin then watches Marley reuniting with his son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter. Marley notices Kevin, and they wave to each other.

The McCallister family is preparing to spend Christmas in Miami, and gathers at Peter and Kate's Chicago home. Their youngest son, Kevin, views Florida as contradictory to Christmas, due to its tropical climate and lack of Christmas trees. At a school pageant, during Kevin's solo, his older brother Buzz pranks him; Kevin retaliates by pushing him, which causes the entire choir to fall and ruins the pageant. At home, Buzz makes a false apology, which the family accepts, berating Kevin when he says he retaliated for Buzz humiliating him. Kevin insults his family for believing his brother's lies and for spending Christmas in a tropical climate, and storms off to the attic, wishing to have his own vacation alone. When the family accidentally oversleeps, they rush to the airport, only to be sure Kevin is with them. At the airport, Kevin loses pace with his family while holding Peter's bag. Kevin follows a man with an identical coat to Peter's accidentally boards a flight to New York City. Upon arriving, Kevin decides to tour the city and in Central Park, Kevin is frightened by a stern-looking homeless woman tending to pigeons. He then goes to the Plaza Hotel and uses Peter's credit card to check in. The Wet Bandits, who escaped from prison during a riot, have also arrived in New York.

On Christmas Eve, Kevin visits a toy store where he meets its philanthropic owner, Mr. Duncan. Kevin donates cash after learning that the proceeds from the store's Christmas sales will be donated to a children's hospital. As a token of appreciation, Mr. Duncan offers Kevin a pair of ceramic turtledoves as a gift, instructing him to give one to another person as a gesture of eternal friendship. At the Plaza, the concierge confronts Kevin about the stolen credit card. Kevin escapes via the service exit, only to be met by the Wet Bandits. Marv boasts about the plan to rob Duncan's toy store and kill him, but Kevin escapes after an encounter with a

Earlier, upon landing in Miami, the McCallister family discover that Kevin is missing and file a police report. After the police trace Peter's credit card, the family flies immediately to New York. Meanwhile, Kevin goes to his uncle's townhouse, only to find it vacant and undergoing renovations. In Central Park, Kevin encounters and eventually befriends the pigeon lady. They go to Carnegie Hall, where she explains how her life collapsed when her lover left her; Kevin encourages her to trust people again. After considering her advice that he perform a good deed to make up for his misdeeds, he decides to prevent Harry and Marv from robbing the toy store, motivated after seeing a young child patient in a window of the Beth Israel Hospital and recalling Mr. Duncan's words about the donation money.

Having rigged the townhouse with booby traps, Kevin visits the toy store during Harry and Marv's robbery, takes their picture, and shatters the window to set off the alarm. He then lures them to the townhouse, where they spring the traps and suffer various injuries. While the duo searches for Kevin outside of the townhouse, he calls the police using a payphone, and leads Harry and Marv into Central Park, where they capture him after he falls on ice. As Harry holds Kevin at gunpoint, the pigeon lady intervenes, tossing a bucket of birdseed onto Harry and Marv, attracting a massive flock of pigeons that incapacitate them. Kevin then sets off fireworks to signal the police, who scare off the pigeons with a gunshot and arrest Harry and Marv, with Kevin leaving enough evidence against them. At the toy store, Mr. Duncan finds a note from Kevin, explaining the robbery. The family arrives in New York, and Kate, remembering Kevin's fondness for Christmas trees, finds him making a wish at the Rockefeller
Centre Christmas Tree.

On Christmas morning, a truckload of free gifts arrives at the McCallisters' hotel room, sent from a grateful Mr. Duncan for foiling the robbery. Kevin reconciles with his family, and goes to Central Park to give the pigeon lady the second turtledove, cementing their friendship.

Peter Beaupre, Alice Ribbons, Burton Jernigan, and Earl Unger are four internationally wanted criminals who work for a terrorist organization. In Silicon Valley, California, they steal a $10 million missile-cloaking microchip and hide it inside a remote control toy car to sneak it past security at San Francisco International Airport. However, a luggage mix-up causes a Chicago-bound elderly passenger named Mrs. Hess to inadvertently take the thieves' bag containing the car. The four thieves arrive in Chicago and systematically search every house in Mrs. Hess's suburban neighbourhood to find the chip.

Eight-year-old Alex Pruitt is given the remote control car by Mrs. Hess for
shovelling her driveway, but she lectures him for scratching in public. He returns home and discovers that he has chickenpox and must stay out of school. The next day, Alex discovers the thieves while spying on his neighbours. After two failed attempts at reporting them, Alex attaches a camera to the remote control car and uses it to spy on them, leading to the thieves chasing it when they spot it. Wondering what they want with the toy car, Alex opens it and discovers the stolen chip. He informs the local Air Force Recruitment Centre about the discovery and asks if they can forward the information about the chip to the right authorities.

The thieves finally deduce that Alex has been watching them and decide to break into his house. Alex rigs the house with booby traps with help from his pet rat Doris and his brother's loud-mouthed parrot. Beaupre, Alice, Jernigan and Unger break in, spring the traps, and suffer various injuries. While the four pursue Alex around the house, he flees and rescues Mrs. Hess, who has been duct taped to a chair in her garage by Alice. Beaupre ambushes Alex, but the latter uses a bubble gun resembling a Glock to scare him off.

Meanwhile, FBI agents and Chicago PD officers arrive at Alex's siblings' school after a tipoff from the recruitment
centre. Alex's family brings the agents and the police to their house, where they arrest Alice, Jernigan, and Unger. However, Beaupre hides in the snow fort in the backyard. The parrot drives the remote control car into the fort and threatens to light fireworks, which are lined around the inside. Beaupre offers a cracker in exchange for silence, but the parrot demands two. Since Beaupre has only one, the parrot then lights the fireworks and flees. Beaupre is discovered and arrested.

Later, the Pruitts, Hess, and the authorities hold a celebration for Alex as the Pruitt house is being repaired, with Jack returning home from a business trip. Beaupre's group are shown to have contracted Alex's chickenpox during their mugshots.

Peter McCallister, who is finalizing a divorce from his wife, Kate, announces to their children, Buzz, Megan, and Kevin that he and his wealthy girlfriend, Natalie Kalban, are hosting the visit of a royal family at her mansion, and invites them to spend Christmas there. After the three initially refuse, Kevin accepts the offer after being bullied by Buzz (who was supposed to be at the movies with his friends) and revels in the mansion's luxuries.

The next morning, Peter and Natalie go out while Kevin stays with Natalie's servants, Mr. Prescott the butler and Molly the maid. Kevin notices his old nemesis, Marv Murchins, and his wife, Vera, scouting the house. After failing to get Mr. Prescott's attention via the intercom, he drives them away by flooding the mansion. When Peter and Natalie return, they refuse to believe Kevin's explanation, especially since Mr. Prescott claims to have seen nothing. Kevin discovers that the security cameras were turned off during the break-in, leading him to believe that Mr. Prescott is in league with Marv and Vera. To cheer themselves up, Kevin, Peter, and Natalie decorate their Christmas tree, although it is later re-trimmed by professional decorators at Natalie's request.

As the mansion is prepared for a party for the royal family's arrival, Peter and Natalie go to pick them up, while Kevin notices Marv and Vera disguised as caterers. He traps Mr. Prescott in the freezer, overhears Marv and Vera's plan to kidnap the prince for ransom, and forces them out of a window. The royal family is unable to attend the party because their flight was
cancelled, so Peter and Natalie decide to announce their engagement instead. Marv and Vera run back into the house and pursue Kevin, who accidentally ruins the party by running into the guests and knocking over an ice sculpture that turns out to be a frozen Mr. Prescott. Angered, Peter sends Kevin to his room, refusing to believe his story and accusing him of trying to sabotage his relationship with Natalie, who threatens to evict him if he misbehaves again.

Taking matters into his own hands, Kevin sets up booby traps for Marv and Vera. The next morning, the duo head to the house after Peter and Natalie go to pick up the royals. Kevin tricks and locks Mr. Prescott in the basement, but eventually discovers Marv and Vera's real ally is Molly, who is also Marv's mother. Kevin gets locked in the basement with Mr. Prescott, who admits that he turned off the cameras during the initial break-in as he was taking an unscheduled break from his duties because he despises Natalie, let alone working for her; he and Kevin then apologize for misjudging each other. After several failed attempts to call Kate, Kevin escapes via the house's dumbwaiter and temporarily traps Marv underneath it. Marv and Vera pursue Kevin through the house, where they spring the traps and suffer various injuries, while Molly gets trapped in the house's elevator.

At the airport, Peter suspects that something is wrong back at the house with Kevin and takes a cab back to Natalie's to check on him. Kate, Buzz, and Megan also drive to the mansion due to the suspicious nature of the calls received by Kevin himself and Molly. Kevin uses an altered recording of Marv's voice to provoke an argument between him and Vera, and knocks them down a flight of stairs with a remote-controlled plane. The duo is then tricked by Kevin with a secret wall switch, ends up being launched onto a chandelier, and are knocked unconscious by their fall. Molly, having escaped, grabs Kevin, but is quickly knocked out by Mr. Prescott who also escaped via the dumbwaiter shaft and calls the police.

As Peter, Kate, Buzz, and Megan arrive, Kevin - with Buzz and Megan's help - prevents a final escape attempt from Marv and Vera. The royal family and Natalie arrive, and the offenders' plot to kidnap the prince is revealed to Natalie's shock. Mr. Prescott, per Kevin's advice, resigns from his position as her butler. Realizing that their relationship was built on infatuation rather than love and was affecting his responsibilities as a husband and father, Peter breaks up with Natalie, and reconciles with Kate and their children. Grateful to Kevin for his foiling of the kidnapping plot, the royals spend Christmas with the newly-reunited McCallisters, devastating Natalie as Kevin and Prescott give the commands for music to play and snow to fall

* Information sourced online in the public domain.


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4025, 4183, 4184, 4270, 4275, 4287, 4306, 4307, 4309, 4310, 4311, 4312, 4313, 4314, 4340, 4343, 4344, 4345, 4347, 4352, 4353, 4354, 4355, 4356, 4357, 4358, 4359, 4361, 4362, 4365, 4370, 4371, 4372, 4373, 4375, 4377, 4378, 4380, 4381, 4382, 4383, 4384, 4385, 4387, 4388, 4390, 4402, 4403, 4404, 4406, 4407, 4408, 4410, 4411, 4412, 4413, 4415, 4416, 4417, 4418, 4419, 4420, 4421, 4422, 4423, 4425, 4426, 4427, 4428, 4454, 4455, 4461, 4462, 4465, 4467, 4468, 4470, 4471, 4472, 4474, 4475, 4477, 4478, 4479, 4480, 4481, 4482, 4486, 4487, 4488, 4489, 4490, 4491, 4492, 4493, 4494, 4496, 4497, 4498, 4514, 4515, 4517, 4518, 4520, 4521, 4569, 4570, 4571, 4574, 4580, 4581, 4600, 4601, 4605, 4606, 4608, 4610, 4611, 4612, 4613, 4614, 4615, 4620, 4621, 4625, 4626, 4627, 4630, 4650, 4659, 4660, 4671, 4673, 4674, 4676, 4677, 4678, 4680, 4694, 4695, 4697, 4699, 4702, 4703, 4704, 4705, 4706, 4707, 4709, 4711, 4712, 4713, 4714, 4715, 4716, 4717, 4718, 4719, 4720, 4721, 4722, 4723, 4724, 4725, 4726, 4727, 4728, 4730, 4731, 4732, 4733, 4735, 4736, 4737, 4738, 4739, 4741, 4743, 4744, 4745, 4746, 4751, 4753, 4754, 4756, 4757, 4798, 4799, 4800, 4801, 4803, 4804, 4805, 4806, 4807, 4808, 4809, 4813, 4816, 4819, 4820, 4821, 4822, 4823, 4824, 4825, 4828, 4829, 4830, 4849, 4850, 4852, 4854, 4855, 4856, 4858, 4859, 4860, 4861, 4865, 4871, 4872, 4873, 4874, 4875, 4876, 4877, 4878, 4880, 4881, 4882, 4883, 4884, 4885, 4886, 4887, 4888, 4890, 4891, 4892, 4895

South Australia
0872, 5131, 5132, 5133, 5134, 5136, 5137, 5138, 5139, 5140, 5141, 5142, 5144, 5150, 5151, 5153, 5156, 5157, 5201, 5202, 5203, 5204, 5210, 5211, 5212, 5213, 5214, 5220, 5221, 5222, 5223, 5231, 5232, 5233, 5234, 5235, 5236, 5237, 5238, 5240, 5241, 5243, 5244, 5250, 5252, 5253, 5254, 5255, 5256, 5259, 5260, 5261, 5262, 5263, 5264, 5265, 5266, 5267, 5268, 5269, 5270, 5271, 5272, 5273, 5275, 5276, 5277, 5278, 5279, 5280, 5290, 5291, 5301, 5302, 5303, 5304, 5306, 5307, 5308, 5309, 5310, 5311, 5312, 5320, 5321, 5322, 5330, 5331, 5332, 5333, 5340, 5341, 5342, 5343, 5344, 5345, 5346, 5353, 5354, 5355, 5356, 5357, 5360, 5371, 5372, 5373, 5374, 5381, 5400, 5401, 5410, 5411, 5412, 5413, 5414, 5415, 5416, 5417, 5418, 5419, 5420, 5421, 5422, 5431, 5432, 5433, 5434, 5440, 5451, 5452, 5453, 5454, 5455, 5460, 5461, 5462, 5464, 5470, 5471, 5472, 5473, 5480, 5481, 5482, 5483, 5485, 5490, 5491, 5493, 5495, 5501, 5502, 5510, 5520, 5521, 5522, 5523, 5540, 5550, 5552, 5554, 5555, 5556, 5558, 5560, 5570, 5571, 5572, 5573, 5575, 5576, 5577, 5580, 5581, 5582, 5583, 5600, 5601, 5602, 5603, 5604, 5605, 5606, 5607, 5608, 5609, 5611, 5630, 5631, 5632, 5633, 5640, 5641, 5642, 5650, 5651, 5652, 5653, 5654, 5655, 5660, 5661, 5670, 5671, 5680, 5690, 5700, 5701, 5710, 5713, 5715, 5717, 5719, 5720, 5722, 5723, 5724, 5725, 5730, 5731, 5732, 5733, 5734

Western Australia
0872, 6032, 6041, 6042, 6043, 6044, 6074, 6078, 6082, 6083, 6084, 6121, 6123, 6124, 6125, 6126, 6161, 6207, 6208, 6211, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6218, 6219, 6220, 6254, 6255, 6256, 6258, 6260, 6262, 6271, 6275, 6280, 6281, 6282, 6284, 6285, 6286, 6288, 6290, 6302, 6304, 6306, 6308, 6309, 6311, 6312, 6313, 6315, 6316, 6317, 6318, 6320, 6321, 6322, 6323, 6324, 6326, 6327, 6328, 6330, 6332, 6333, 6335, 6336, 6337, 6338, 6341, 6343, 6346, 6348, 6350, 6351, 6352, 6353, 6355, 6356, 6357, 6358, 6359, 6361, 6363, 6365, 6367, 6368, 6369, 6370, 6372, 6373, 6375, 6383, 6384, 6385, 6386, 6390, 6391, 6392, 6393, 6394, 6395, 6396, 6397, 6398, 6401, 6403, 6405, 6407, 6409, 6410, 6411, 6412, 6413, 6414, 6415, 6418, 6419, 6420, 6421, 6422, 6423, 6424, 6425, 6426, 6427, 6428, 6429, 6430, 6431, 6432, 6433, 6434, 6436, 6437, 6438, 6440, 6442, 6443, 6445, 6446, 6447, 6448, 6450, 6452, 6460, 6461, 6462, 6463, 6465, 6466, 6467, 6468, 6470, 6472, 6473, 6475, 6476, 6477, 6479, 6480, 6484, 6485, 6487, 6488, 6489, 6490, 6501, 6502, 6503, 6504, 6505, 6506, 6507, 6509, 6510, 6511, 6512, 6513, 6514, 6515, 6516, 6517, 6518, 6519, 6521, 6522, 6525, 6528, 6530, 6531, 6532, 6535, 6536, 6537, 6556, 6558, 6560, 6562, 6564, 6566, 6567, 6568, 6569, 6571, 6572, 6574, 6575, 6603, 6605, 6606, 6608, 6609, 6612, 6613, 6614, 6616, 6620, 6623, 6625, 6627, 6628, 6630, 6631, 6632, 6635, 6638, 6639, 6640, 6642, 6646, 6701, 6705, 6707, 6710, 6711, 6712, 6713, 6714, 6716, 6718, 6720, 6721, 6722, 6725, 6726, 6728, 6733, 6740, 6743, 6751, 6753, 6754, 6758, 6760, 6762, 6765, 6770, 6798

7012, 7020, 7022, 7023, 7024, 7026, 7027, 7030, 7054, 7109, 7112, 7113, 7116, 7117, 7119, 7120, 7139, 7140, 7150, 7151, 7155, 7162, 7163, 7173, 7174, 7175, 7176, 7177, 7178, 7179, 7180, 7182, 7183, 7184, 7185, 7186, 7187, 7190, 7209, 7210, 7211, 7213, 7214, 7215, 7216, 7252, 7254, 7255, 7256, 7257, 7258, 7259, 7260, 7261, 7263, 7263, 7264, 7265, 7267, 7268, 7275, 7292, 7302, 7304, 7305, 7306, 7307, 7321, 7325, 7330, 7331, 7466, 7467, 7468, 7469, 7470

Northern Territory
0800, 0800, 0810, 0812, 0813, 0820, 0822, 0828, 0829, 0830, 0832, 0834, 0835, 0836, 0837, 0838, 0839, 0840, 0841, 0845, 0846, 0847, 0850, 0852, 0853, 0854, 0860, 0861, 0862, 0870, 0872, 0873, 0874, 0875, 0880, 0886, 4825