We are happy to share a new sensor of ours, which is a pyroelectric based body detector, SPIR1.

We often receive suggestions to add pyro-infrared to radar sensors, and now we have decided to launch it as a standalone sensor first.

Principle of operation

PIR means Passive Infra-Red sensor which is passive infra-red sensor, it passes infra-red rays of 36.5 degree infra-red wavelength through a filter to detect active human targets.


Product Specifications

Application Scenarios

Used in conjunction with our radar sensors, it can reduce certain unnecessary interference and realize the activation of automation when IR is triggered and the shutdown of automation when the radar has no target.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I connect to HomeAssistant?

After configuring the device to the network via a hotspot, the device can be automatically discovered in HomeAssistant.

Do I need to install ESPHome addon?

No, the firmware is implemented using ESPHome, but it is simplified the whole connection process, just need to configure the network, join the same limitation network as HomeAssistant will discover the device.