Grupo Tuardn - Ebay

8E0827573 outer door handle for AUDI A4 2.0 2000 733329


Outer door handle for AUDI A4 2.0 2000. 8E0827573

  • INTERNAL REF: 733329
  • MANUFACTURER REF.: 8E0827573
  • OBSERVATIONS: 8e0827573
  • Brand: AUDI
  • Model: A4
  • Mileage: Does Not Apply
  • This part corresponds to a left-hand-drive model.
  • For large cubic parts such as bonnets, motors, fins or oversized parts, consult shipping price
  • International shipments are not made in island territory.
  • If the customer does not select the appropriate shipping costs, the order will be canceled.
  • This item is going to be sent out ot the European Union considering it as an extra-community exportation. The country of destination can apply customs or VAT charges corresponding to this country. The seller won´t assume this type of surcharge.
  • IMPORTANT: If you require an invoice addressed to a company or an individual, it is necessary to send us all your tax information, including Tax Identification Number or ID number. Otherwise, it will be invoiced as a receipt or simplified invoice, and changes can't be made afterwards.

Do you want us to make sure that this part fits your vehicle? We can check it! Just send us a picture of the technical data sheet and/or the reference of your part.

¿Quieres que te aseguremos que esta pieza corresponde a tu vehículo? Podemos comprobarlo! Solo tienes que enviarnos una fotografía de la ficha técnica y/o la referencia de tu pieza.

Voulez-vous que nous nous assurions que cette pièce conviendra à votre véhicule? Nous pouvons le vérifier! Il vous suffit de nous envoyer une photo de la fiche technique et/ou la référence de votre pièce.

Möchten Sie, dass wir sicherstellen, dass dieses Teil Ihrem Fahrzeug entspricht? Wir können es überprüfen! Sie müssen uns lediglich ein Foto des technischen Datenblatts und/oder der Referenz Ihres Stücks zusenden.

Vuoi che ci assicuriamo che questa parte sia adatta al tuo veicolo? Possiamo verificarlo! Tutto quello che devi fare è inviarci una foto della scheda tecnica e/o il riferimento del tuo pezzo.

Chcesz, żebyśmy się upewnili, że ta część będzie pasować do Twojego pojazdu? Możemy to sprawdzić! Wszystko, co musisz zrobić, to przesłać nam zdjęcie karty technicznej i/lub numer referencyjny swojego produktu.

Quer que tenhamos certeza de que esta peça corresponde ao seu veículo? Podemos verificar! Basta enviar-nos uma fotografia da ficha técnica e/ou da referência da sua peça.

Shipping and collection costs in case of return will be at your expense.

Grupo Tuardn offers its customers, except for control units or electronic components, and the minimum term of 1 year of guarantee according to the Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 will be subject to what is accepted in the guarantee books according to type of material.

If during the warranty period failures occur, you must notify and deliver the good subject to guarantee to Grupo Tuardn that will evaluate the piece and proceed to its exchange or the refund of the amount. If the part is not defective, it will deliver a voucher worth the same exchangeable in parts in stock.

The warranty does not cover labor, defects, damage caused by the failure of the part, improper assembly or for not following the maintenance indicated by the manufacturer. The entire replacement has a maximum return time of 7 days, provided it is not tampered with and the invoice proving it is presented, after the same, no returns will be accepted. According to Art 18 RD 782/98 development of Law 11/97 on Packaging and Packaging Waste.

The person responsible for the delivery of the waste containers used for proper environmental management will be the final holder.

To make such a return you should know that:

  1. The product must be in perfect condition and in its original packaging.
  2. he product must not have been handled and retains its warranty seals.
  3. The product must not have been mounted on the vehicle.
  4. You cannot use the packaging of the replacement as a postal package, do not paste the shipping order directly on the cardboard of the replacement because our company may not accept the product.
  5. Depending on the condition of the returned part (incomplete, damaged, packaging in poor condition), the refund could be rejected.
  6. Logically, if the product was not the one requested or has a defect, this warranty includes it.

Once we receive the merchandise in our warehouses and verify that all the previous conditions exist Grupo Tuardn will accept the return of the product and will proceed to the refund of its amount according to the payment method made, and where appropriate, to the shipment of the new product.