Performer Notes:

Professional Reviews: Entertainment Weekly (11/21/03, p.86) - "...The collectible [third] [even] more rewarding than the '98 outtakes box, TRACKS....disc 3 is as engaging a ride as any through Springsteen's '80s peaks, '90s valleys, and current rebirth." - Rating: A-

Q (1/04, p.148) - 4 stars out of 5 - "[I]ncontestably the heart of a mighty legacy."

Uncut (1/04, p.124) - 4 stars out of 5 - "When he gets quiet, gets home after crowded nights and faces solitary dawns, he's an extraordinary artist with a spooky, magical gift."s

Mojo (Publisher) (12/03, p.128) - 4 stars out of 5 - "[T]his is as good a Springsteen 'best of' as you're likely to get."

Format: CD (1 Disc)

Studio/Live: Studio

Guest Artist: Nils Lofgren; Steve Van Zandt; Clarence Clemons

Release Date: 16 October, 2015

Label: Sony Music Sbt

Dimensions: 1 x 12.5 x 14.2 centimeters (0.04 kg)