Authentic signed photo by Jessica Alba. This is a high-quality photograph that has been hand-signed. It is not a computer print-out or reprint. It is a hand-signed original and was purchased from a reputable collector. Our supplier obtains original hand-signed photos TTM (Through the Mail) from the agencies or contact addresses of celebrities, or from other collectors in affiliation with LA Charities in California. The photos are generally signed in large quantities so may be somewhat different than a single signed item, due to the celebrity being rushed. After receipt, it is reviewed by Hollywood to You in California who help obtain the product. Hollywood to You is a photograph and autograph broker, not an authenticator. As a re-seller of these, we are not autograph or hand-writing experts and are passing on what we purchased at the price of a reprint. The photos were acquired in bulk. TTM photos are not witnessed so will not carry the weight of a witnessed review/authentication in re-sale. TTM is recommended for personal use vs. investment. We only re-sell high-quality items in new condition.

Please contact us with any questions prior to purchase.

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