Clearing out the huge collection of harmonicas we purchased from a well known collector! Here’s one that sure to find a new home!

This is from our research FR HOTZ HARMONY QUEEN Harmonica dating back maybe 1900’s before WW1 or 1920’s before WW2 . We tried to find any info on this harmonica but there’s very little that we found but what we do know it this Harmonica condition is incredible and probably the best example you’ll ever find!

Besides some minor wear for being over hundred years old this old shines and sounds great! Just the overall cosmetics are in incredible shape! This one is around 7” x 2” and the condition is excellent! The key is unknown . Made in Germany. Are these rare? We are not experts on this subject nor are we experts in the field of harmonicas so we are selling this as a collectors piece not a playable instrument. But rest assured this one plays and sounds as good as it looks! Any questions just ask!