See What's Inside (The BULQ® Manifest)

This lot may contain items that require delabeling. Read BULQ®’s Delabeling Policy to understand how you must prepare these items to re-sale.

All photos below are STOCK images of the product. The MSRP below represents the estimated listed price when the product was first released to market. MSRP is provided for your reference and may not always represent prevailing offers in current marketplaces.

Elvie Elvie Pump Breast Shield - M (24mm) 5060442520073 Baby 1 $21.99 $21.99
OXO Tot OXO Tot Handy Stroller Hook 2-Count Pack 719812938639 Baby 1 $15.99 $15.99
Skittles Boon Cacti Bottle Cleaning Brush Set 669028113262 Baby 1 $14.99 $14.99
Baby K'tan Baby Ktan ORIGINAL Baby Carrier - Heather Gray - Small 626570622161 Baby 1 $49.99 $49.99
Spectra Spectra S1 Plus Electric Breast Pump Hospital Strength 8809108011091 Baby 1 $319.00 $319.00
Melissa & Doug Melissa & Doug K's Kids Bowling Friends 000772091602 Baby 1 $24.99 $24.99
Mam MAM Anti-Colic Bottle, 9oz, 1ct 845296051318 Baby 1 $7.99 $7.99
Fridababy Fridababy 3-in-1 Humidifier with Diffuser and Nightlight 851877006431 Baby 1 $49.99 $49.99
Ubbi Ubbi Wipes Dispenser - Gray 698904101420 Baby 1 $16.99 $16.99
Love to Dream Love To Dream Swaddle UP Transition Suit Original - 1 TOG Gray 19-24 lbs L 9343443005470 Baby 1 $54.95 $54.95
Boppy? Boppy® Luxe Head & Neck Support in Princess 769662415033 Baby 1 $24.99 $24.99
Nuby Nuby Teethe-eez Teether in Green 048526925650 Baby 1 $4.99 $4.99
Motherhood Maternity BRA WRP SLP SM BLK VDC 657107090153 Clothing, Shoes & Accessories 1 $16.98 $16.98
Skip Hop ACTVTY BK SFT FRMSTND SKIP HOP 194133685965 Books & Magazines 1 $10.00 $10.00
MAM MAM 2-Pack 9 oz. Anti-Colic Bottle in White 845296052520 Baby 1 $14.99 $14.99
NUK PACI SPACE BOY 6-18M 4PK NUK 885131698421 Baby 1 $10.99 $10.99
Modern Baby COVERALL 12M 2PC TEAL WTRML 676191658285 Clothing, Shoes & Accessories 1 $22.00 $22.00
NFL NFL BRGM TMCL 34PC DT LN VDS 705988415364 Sports Mem, Cards & Fan Shop 1 $19.99 $19.99
Gerber PJS 24M CASTLE SNUG PRPL 013618244070 Clothing, Shoes & Accessories 1 $11.99 $11.99
Nine West SHOE BOX 6-9M WHT ANML 9WST 193605662985 Clothing, Shoes & Accessories 1 $19.99 $19.99
carter's HOOD 6M GREY MULTI FLRW AOP 194133417474 Clothing, Shoes & Accessories 1 $22.00 $22.00


Where does BULQ® ship?

BULQ® ships to any street or mailing address in the contiguous United States, including residences.

How much does shipping cost?

BULQ® charges a flat shipping fee of $30 per case.

How do I relist inventory from the BULQ® store?

BULQ® and eBay have partnered together to make it faster for sellers to source inventory and list items on their own eBay stores.

After making a purchase from the BULQ® store, any registered eBay seller will have the option to generate draft listings with pre-filled data from their BULQ® order in 1 of 3 ways:

  1. Seller Hub “Listings” Tab
  2. If you’ve purchased a BULQ® lot, you will see a banner that will allow you to create draft listings with pre-filled information from your purchase. Additionally, from the “Create listing” dropdown you can select “Listings from BULQ® inventory” and select the lot you want to resell

  3. My eBay Selling “Overview”
  4. Any purchased cases will be displayed with an option to “Generate drafts”

  5. Order confirmation email
  6. Following a purchase of an eligible BULQ® lot, a reseller can select the “Generate drafts” option from the order confirmation email. This specific option can be used on either your mobile device or desktop

Please visit the official BULQ® on eBay page for more details.

How can I contact BULQ® customer service?

To contact our Customer Care Team, please email us via the Contact Seller link. We aim to respond to all messages within 1 business day.

What if I have an issue with the merchandise I receive?

We stand behind the accuracy of our manifests, both in terms of condition and composition. While BULQ® does not accept returns, customers who experience a discrepancy between their order and its manifest can submit a claim within 7 days of receiving the lot. To do so:

  1. Go to “Purchase History” in My eBay and find your order.

  2. Click “More Actions” and “Contact Seller”.

  3. In the comments box, include the LP number from the item’s black and white sticker, a short description of the issue, and a picture, if applicable, of each affected item.

  4. Our Customer Care team will reach out with next steps. Most claims are resolved within 1-2 business days.

Can I return merchandise?

We cannot offer any returns or exchanges. If you have any issue with your order, please reach out to our Customer Care team.

How do I submit my resale certificate?

You'll need to submit your certificate to eBay to be exempt from sales tax. Follow the instructions here: https://ebay.to/3qEwdOM.

What is Original Retail Price?

Original Retail represents the estimated listed price when the product was first released to market. Original Retail prices are provided for your reference and may not always represent prevailing offers in current marketplaces. Original Retail is based on the condition of new, does not reflect offers of non-new conditions, and does not include offers with discounts, rebates, or other price adjustments.

What is an OID?

An OID is assigned to an item with an unknown Universal Product Code (UPC).